panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation package¶
panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.base module¶
- class panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.base.Exposure(image_id: str, path: Path, metadata: dict, is_primary: bool = False)[source]¶
- class panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.base.Observation(field, exptime=<Quantity 120. s>, min_nexp=60, exp_set_size=10, priority=100, filter_name=None, dark=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
- add_to_exposure_list(cam_name: str, exposure: Exposure)[source]¶
Add the exposure to the list and mark as most recent
- property current_exp_num: int¶
Return the current number of exposures.
Returns the maximum size of the exposure list from each camera.
- Returns:
The size of self.exposure_list.
- Return type:
- property directory: Path¶
Return the directory for this Observation.
This return the base directory for the Observation. This does not include the subfolders for each of the cameras.
- Returns:
Full path to base directory.
- Return type:
- property exptime¶
- property exptimes¶
Exposure time as a list.
- property first_exposure: List[Dict[str, Exposure]] | None¶
Return the first exposure information.
- Returns:
image_id and full path of the first exposure from the primary camera.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_dict(observation_config: Dict, field_class='panoptes.pocs.scheduler.field.Field', observation_class='panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.base.Observation')[source]¶
Creates an Observation object from config dict.
- Parameters:
observation_config (dict) – Configuration for Field and Observation.
field_class (str, optional) – The full name of the python class to be used as default for the observation’s Field. This can be overridden by specifying the “type” item under the observation_config’s “field” key. Default: panoptes.pocs.scheduler.field.Field.
observation_class (str, optional) – The full name of the python class to be used as default for the observation object. This can be overridden by specifying the “type” item under the observation_config’s “observation” key. Default: panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.base.Observation.
- get_exposure(number: int = 0) List[Dict[str, Exposure]] | None [source]¶
Returns the given exposure number.
- property last_exposure: List[Dict[str, Exposure]] | None¶
Return the latest exposure information.
- Returns:
image_id and full path of most recent exposure from the primary camera
- Return type:
- property minimum_duration¶
Minimum amount of time to complete the observation
- property name¶
Name of the ~pocs.scheduler.field.Field associated with the observation.
- property pointing_image¶
Return the last pointing image.
- Returns:
- image_id and full path of most recent pointing image from
the primary camera.
- Return type:
- property seq_time¶
The time at which the observation was selected by the scheduler.
This is used for path name construction.
- property set_duration¶
Amount of time per set of exposures.
- property set_is_finished¶
Check if the current observing block has finished, which is True when the minimum number of exposures have been obtained and and integer number of sets have been completed. :returns: True if finished, False if not. :rtype: bool
panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.bias module¶
- class panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.bias.BiasObservation(position, min_nexp=None, exp_set_size=None)[source]¶
panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.compound module¶
- class panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.compound.Observation(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
An observation that consists of different combinations of exptimes.
- property exptime¶
Return current exposure time as a u.Quantity.
- property exptimes¶
Exposure time as a list.
panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.dark module¶
- class panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.dark.DarkObservation(position, exptimes=None)[source]¶
- property exptime¶
Return current exposure time as a u.Quantity.