Source code for

import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass

import requests
import typer
from rich import print

[docs] @dataclass class HostInfo: host: str = 'localhost' port: str = '6566' @property def url(self): return f'http://{}:{self.port}'
app = typer.Typer()
[docs] @app.callback() def common(context: typer.Context, host: str = typer.Option('localhost', help='Weather station host address.'), port: str = typer.Option('6566', help='Weather station port.'), ): context.obj = HostInfo(host=host, port=port)
[docs] @app.command(name='status', help='Get the status of the weather station.') def status(context: typer.Context, page='status'): """Get the status of the weather station.""" url = context.obj.url print(get_page(page, url))
[docs] @app.command(name='config', help='Get the configuration of the weather station.') def config(context: typer.Context, page='config'): """Get the configuration of the weather station.""" url = context.obj.url print(get_page(page, url))
[docs] def get_page(page, base_url): url = f'{base_url}/{page}' return requests.get(url).json()
[docs] @app.command(help='Restart the weather station service via supervisorctl') def restart(service: str = 'pocs-weather-reader'): """Restart the weather station service via supervisorctl""" cmd = f'supervisorctl restart {service}' print(f'Running: {cmd}'), shell=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": app()