Source code for panoptes.pocs.utils.cli.notebook
import subprocess
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import typer
from rich import print
app = typer.Typer()
def start(
environment: str = typer.Option('lab',
help='The environment to start, either "lab" or "notebook".'),
public: bool = typer.Option(True,
help='If True, start the server on all interfaces. '
'If False, only start on localhost.'),
port: int = typer.Option(8888, help='The port to start the server on.'),
notebook_dir: Path = typer.Option(None, envvar='HOME', help='The notebook directory.'),
"""Start a Jupyter notebook server"""
print(f"Starting {environment} server.")
cmd = ["jupyter", environment, "--no-browser", f"--port={port}", f'--notebook-dir={notebook_dir}']
if public:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Notebook server stopped.")
def set_password(
environment: str = typer.Option('lab',
help='The environment to set password for, either "lab" or "notebook".'),
"""Set a password for the notebook server"""
print(f"Setting {environment} password.")
cmd = ["jupyter", environment, "password"]
def check_for_jupyter():
"""Check if Jupyter is installed"""
if shutil.which('jupyter-lab') is None:
mamba_available = shutil.which('mamba') is not None
conda_available = shutil.which('conda') is not None
if mamba_available:
install_msg = "Install with `mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab`."
elif conda_available:
install_msg = "Install with `conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab`."
install_msg = "Install with `pip install jupyterlab`"
print(f"[red]Jupyter is not installed. {install_msg}", )
raise typer.Exit()
def restart():
"""Restart the jupyter server process via supervisorctl"""
cmd = f'supervisorctl restart pocs-jupyter-server'
print(f'Running: {cmd}'), shell=True)