Source code for panoptes.pocs.utils.cli.config

import subprocess
from typing import Optional, Dict

import typer
from astropy import units as u
from pydantic import BaseModel
from rich import print
from rich import prompt
from rich.console import Console

from panoptes.pocs.utils.logger import get_logger
from panoptes.utils.config.client import get_config, set_config, server_is_running

[docs] class HostInfo(BaseModel): """Metadata for the Config Server""" host: str = '' port: int = 6563 verbose: bool = False @property def url(self): return f'{}:{self.port}'
app = typer.Typer() host_info: Dict[str, Optional[HostInfo]] = {'config_server': None} logger = get_logger(stderr_log_level='ERROR')
[docs] def server_running(): """Check if the config server is running""" # NOTE: A bug in server_is_running means we cannot specify the port. is_running = server_is_running() if is_running is None or is_running is False: print('[red]The config server is not running. Please start it first.[/red]') return is_running
[docs] @app.callback() def main(context: typer.Context): context.params.update(context.parent.params) verbose = context.params['verbose'] host_info['config_server'] = HostInfo(host=context.params['config_host'], port=context.params['config_port'], verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(f'Command options from power: {context.params!r}')
[docs] @app.command() def status(): server_running()
[docs] @app.command(name='get') def get_value( key: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The key of the config item to get. ' 'Can be specified in dotted-key notation ' 'e.g. `directories.images`'), parse: bool = typer.Option(True, help='Parse the item.'), ): """Get an item from the config""" if server_running(): metadata = host_info['config_server'] item = get_config(key, parse=parse,, port=metadata.port) print(item)
[docs] @app.command(name='set') def set_value( key: str = typer.Argument(..., help='The key, in dotted-notation, of the config item to get.' 'A blank string (the default) will return the entire config.'), value: str = typer.Argument(..., help='The new value.') ): """Get an item from the config""" if server_running(): metadata = host_info['config_server'] if value.startswith('\-'): value = value[1:] try: value = int(value) except ValueError: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: print(f'{value=} is not a number.') print(f'{type(value)=} {value=}') item = set_config(key, value,, port=metadata.port) print(item)
[docs] @app.command() def setup(): """Do initial setup of the config server""" # Clear the screen. console = Console() console.clear() if not server_running(): raise typer.Exit() print(f'Setting up configuration for your PANOPTES unit.') # Make sure they want to proceed. proceed = prompt.Confirm.ask('This will overwrite any existing configuration. Proceed?', default=False) if not proceed: print('Exiting.') return # Set the base directory. base_dir = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the base directory for POCS', default='/home/panoptes/POCS') set_config('directories.base', base_dir) # Get the user-friendly name for the unit. unit_name = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the user-friendly name for this unit', default=get_config('name')) set_config('name', unit_name) # Get the pan_id for the unit. pan_id = prompt.Prompt.ask("Enter the PANOPTES ID for this unit. " "If you don't have one yet just use the default:", default=get_config('pan_id')) set_config('pan_id', pan_id) # Latitude latitude = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the latitude for this unit, e.g. "19.5 deg":', default=str(get_config('location.latitude'))) set_config('location.latitude', str(u.Unit(latitude))) # Longitude longitude = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the longitude for this unit, e.g. "-154.12 deg":', default=str(get_config('location.longitude'))) set_config('location.longitude', str(u.Unit(longitude))) # Elevation elevation = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the elevation for this unit. ' 'Use " ft" or " m" for units, e.g. "3400 m" or "12000 ft":', default=str(get_config('location.elevation'))) if ' ft' in elevation: elevation = (elevation.replace(' ft', '') * u.imperial.foot).to(u.meter) elif elevation.endswith('m'): elevation = str(u.Unit(elevation)) set_config('location.elevation', elevation) # Default timezone to UTC but try to probe OS. timezone = 'UTC' try: timezone = subprocess.check_output('cat /etc/timezone', shell=True).decode().strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: pass timezone = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the timezone for this unit', default=timezone) set_config('location.timezone', timezone) # Get GMT offset and then confirm if correct. gmt_offset = subprocess.check_output('date +%z', shell=True).decode().strip() # Convert GMT offset to minutes. gmt_offset = int(gmt_offset[:3]) * 60 + int(gmt_offset[-2:]) gmt_offset = prompt.Prompt.ask('Enter the GMT offset for this unit in minutes, ' 'e.g. 60 for 1 hour ahead, -120 for 2 hours behind:', default=str(gmt_offset)) set_config('location.gmt_offset', int(gmt_offset))
[docs] @app.command() def restart(): """Restart the config server process via supervisorctl""" cmd = f'supervisorctl restart pocs-config-server' print(f'Running: {cmd}'), shell=True)
if __name__ == "__main__": app()