Source code for

from pathlib import Path
import time
import typer
from panoptes.utils.time import current_time
from rich import print

from import create_cameras_from_config

app = typer.Typer()

[docs] @app.command(name='take-pics') def take_pictures( num_images: int = 1, exptime: float = 1.0, output_dir: Path = '/home/panoptes/images', delay: float = 0.0, ): """Takes pictures with cameras. """ cameras = create_cameras_from_config() if len(cameras) == 0: print('No cameras found, exiting.') return print(f'Taking {num_images} images with {len(cameras)} cameras.') # For a unique filename. now = current_time(flatten=True) output_dir = Path(output_dir) / str(now) for i in range(num_images): print(f'Taking image {i + 1} of {num_images}') threads = list() for cam_name, cam in cameras.items(): fn = output_dir / f'{cam_name}-{i:04d}-{current_time(flatten=True)}.{cam.file_extension}' thread = cam.take_exposure(seconds=exptime, filename=fn, blocking=False) threads.append(thread) # Wait for cameras to finish. for thread in threads: thread.join() # Wait for delay. print(f'Waiting {delay} seconds') time.sleep(delay)