Source code for panoptes.pocs.state.states.default.pointing

import numpy as np
from panoptes.pocs.images import Image
from panoptes.utils.time import wait_for_events

MAX_EXTRA_TIME = 60  # second

[docs] def on_enter(event_data): """Pointing State Take 30 second exposure and plate-solve to get the pointing error """ pocs = event_data.model pocs.next_state = 'parking' # Get pointing parameters pointing_config = pocs.get_config('pointing') max_attempts = int(pointing_config.get('max_attempts', 3)) if max_attempts == 0:'Skipping pointing state, {max_attempts=}') pocs.next_state = 'tracking' return should_correct = pointing_config.get('auto_correct', False) pointing_threshold = pointing_config.get('threshold', 0.05) # degrees exptime = pointing_config.get('exptime', 30) # seconds # We want about 3 iterations of waiting loop during pointing image. wait_delay = int(exptime / 3) + 1 try: pocs.say("Taking pointing picture.") observation = pocs.observatory.current_observation fits_headers = pocs.observatory.get_standard_headers(observation=observation) fits_headers['POINTING'] = 'True' pocs.logger.debug(f"Pointing headers: {fits_headers!r}") primary_camera = pocs.observatory.primary_camera # Loop over maximum number of pointing iterations for img_num in range(max_attempts):"Pointing image {img_num + 1}/{max_attempts} on: {primary_camera}") # Start the exposure camera_event = primary_camera.take_observation( observation, headers=fits_headers, exptime=exptime, filename=f'pointing{img_num:02d}' ) # Wait for images to complete maximum_duration = exptime + MAX_EXTRA_TIME def waiting_cb():'Waiting for pointing image {img_num + 1}/{max_attempts}') return pocs.is_safe() wait_for_events(camera_event, timeout=maximum_duration, callback=waiting_cb, sleep_delay=wait_delay) # Analyze pointing if observation is not None: pointing_id, pointing_path = observation.pointing_image pointing_image = Image( pointing_path, location=pocs.observatory.earth_location, ) pocs.logger.debug(f"Pointing image: {pointing_image}") pocs.say("Ok, I've got the pointing picture, let's see how close we are.") pointing_image.solve_field() # Store the solved image object observation.pointing_images[pointing_id] = pointing_image pocs.logger.debug(f"Pointing Coords: {pointing_image.pointing}") pocs.logger.debug(f"Pointing Error: {pointing_image.pointing_error}") if should_correct is False:"Pointing correction turned off, done with pointing.") break delta_ra = pointing_image.pointing_error.delta_ra.value delta_dec = pointing_image.pointing_error.delta_dec.value # Correct the pointing if either axis is off. if np.abs(delta_ra) > pointing_threshold or np.abs(delta_dec) > pointing_threshold: pocs.say("I'm still a bit away from the field so I'm going to get closer.") # Tell the mount we are at the field, which is the center pocs.say("Syncing with the latest image...") has_field = pocs.observatory.mount.set_target_coordinates(pointing_image.pointing) pocs.logger.debug("Coords set, calibrating") # Calibrate the mount - Sync the mount's known position # with the current actual position. pocs.observatory.mount.query('calibrate_mount') # Now set back to field if has_field: if observation.field is not None: pocs.logger.debug("Slewing back to target") target_set = pocs.observatory.mount.set_target_coordinates(observation.field) # Check if target was set. if target_set is False: pocs.logger.warning("Field not properly set. Parking.") else: pocs.observatory.mount.slew_to_target(blocking=True) if img_num == (max_attempts - 1):'Separation outside threshold but at max corrections. ' + 'Will proceed to observations.') else:"Separation is within pointing threshold, starting tracking.") break pocs.next_state = 'tracking' except Exception as e: pocs.logger.warning(f'Error in pointing: {e!r}') pocs.say(f"Hmm, I had a problem checking the pointing error. Going to park.")