Source code for panoptes.pocs.state.states.default.observing

from panoptes.utils import error

[docs] def on_enter(event_data): """Take an observation image. This state is responsible for taking the actual observation image. """ pocs = event_data.model current_obs = pocs.observatory.current_observation pocs.say(f"🔭🔭 I'm observing {current_obs.field.field_name}! 🔭🔭") pocs.next_state = 'parking' try: pocs.observe_target() except (error.Timeout, error.CameraNotFound): pocs.logger.warning("Timeout waiting for images. Something wrong with cameras, parking.") except Exception as e: pocs.logger.warning(f"Problem with imaging: {e!r}") pocs.say("Hmm, I'm not sure what happened with that exposure.") else: pocs.next_state = 'analyzing' pocs.logger.debug('Finished with observing, going to {pocs.next_state}')