Source code for panoptes.pocs.mount.ioptron.base

import re
from contextlib import suppress

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Latitude, Longitude
from import EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
from panoptes.utils import error as error
from panoptes.utils.time import current_time

from panoptes.pocs.mount.ioptron import MountGPS, MountState, MountTrackingState, MountMovementSpeed, MountTimeSource, \
from panoptes.pocs.mount.serial import AbstractSerialMount

[docs] class Mount(AbstractSerialMount): """Mount class for iOptron mounts.""" def __init__(self, location, mount_version=None, *args, **kwargs): self._mount_version = mount_version or self._mount_version super(Mount, self).__init__(location, *args, **kwargs) self._raw_status = None self._latitude_format = self.commands['latitude_format'] self._longitude_format = self.commands['longitude_format'] self._ra_format = self.commands['ra_format'] self._dec_format = self.commands['dec_format'] self._location_units = self.commands['location_units'] self._ra_coords_units = self.commands['ra_coords_units'] self._dec_coords_units = self.commands['dec_coords_units'] self._status_format = re.compile(self.commands.get('status_format', '*'), flags=re.VERBOSE) self._coords_format = re.compile(self.commands.get('coords_format', '*'), flags=re.VERBOSE) self._state = MountState.UNKNOWN @property def is_home(self): """ Mount home status. """ self.update_status() return self._is_home
[docs] def initialize(self, set_rates=True, unpark=False, *arg, **kwargs): """ Initialize the connection with the mount and setup for location. iOptron mounts are initialized by sending the following two commands to the mount: * MountInfo If the mount is successfully initialized, the `_setup_location_for_mount` method is also called. Returns: bool: Returns the value from `self.is_initialized`. """ if not self.is_connected:'Connecting to mount {__name__}') self.connect() if self.is_connected and not self.is_initialized:'Initializing {__name__} mount') # We trick the mount into thinking it's initialized while we # initialize otherwise the `query` method will test # to see if initialized and be put into loop. self._is_initialized = True # See if we are using old command set. command_set = self.get_config('commands_file') if command_set == 'ioptron/v140': actual_version_info = self.query('version') expected_version_info = self.commands.get('version').get('response') if actual_version_info != expected_version_info: raise error.MountNotFound('Problem initializing mount - version numbers do not match') actual_mount_info = self.query('mount_info') expected_mount_info = self.commands.get('mount_info').get('response') self._is_initialized = False # Test our init procedure for iOptron if actual_mount_info != expected_mount_info: self.logger.debug(f'{actual_mount_info} != {expected_mount_info}') raise error.MountNotFound('Problem initializing mount') else: self._is_initialized = True self._setup_location_for_mount() if set_rates: self._set_initial_rates()'Mount initialized: {self.is_initialized}') return self.is_initialized
[docs] def park(self, ra_direction=None, ra_seconds=None, dec_direction=None, dec_seconds=None, *args, **kwargs ): """Slews to the park position and parks the mount. This still uses a custom park command because the mount will not allow the Declination axis to move below 0 degrees. Note: When mount is parked no movement commands will be accepted. Args: ra_direction (str or None): The direction to move the RA axis. If not provided (the default), then look at config setting, otherwise 'west'. ra_seconds (str or None): The number of seconds to move the RA axis at maximum move speed. If not provided (the default), then look at config setting, otherwise 15 seconds. dec_direction (str or None): The direction to move the Declination axis. If not provided (the default), then look at config setting, otherwise 'north'. dec_seconds (str or None): The number of seconds to move the Declination axis at maximum move speed. If not provided (the default), then look at config setting, otherwise 15 seconds. Returns: bool: indicating success """ if self.is_parked: self.logger.success("Mount is already parked") return self.is_parked # Get the direction and timing ra_direction = ra_direction or self.get_config('mount.settings.park.ra_direction', 'west') ra_seconds = ra_seconds or self.get_config('mount.settings.park.ra_seconds', 15) dec_direction = dec_direction or self.get_config('mount.settings.park.dec_direction', 'north') dec_seconds = dec_seconds or self.get_config('mount.settings.park.dec_seconds', 15) self.unpark() self.query('set_button_moving_rate', 9) self.logger.debug(f'Moving mount to home before parking.') if self.slew_to_home(blocking=True): self.logger.debug( f'Parking mount: RA: {ra_direction} {ra_seconds} seconds, ' f'Dec: {dec_direction} {dec_seconds} seconds' ) self.move_direction(direction=dec_direction, seconds=dec_seconds) self.move_direction(direction=ra_direction, seconds=ra_seconds) self._is_parked = True self.logger.success('Mount successfully parked.') return self.is_parked
def _setup_location_for_mount(self): """ Sets the mount up to the current location. Mount must be initialized first. This uses mount.location (an astropy.coords.EarthLocation) to set most of the params and the rest is read from a config file. Users should not call this directly. Includes: * Latitude set_long * Longitude set_lat * Daylight Savings disable_daylight_savings * Universal Time Offset set_gmt_offset * Current Date set_local_date * Current Time set_local_time """ if not isinstance(self.location, EarthLocation): self.logger.warning('Please set a location before attempting setup') if not self.is_initialized: self.logger.warning('Mount has not been initialized') return'Setting up mount for location') # Location # Adjust the lat/long for format expected by iOptron. coords_unit = getattr(u, self._location_units) lat = self._latitude_format.format( lon = self._longitude_format.format( self.query('set_long', lon) self.query('set_lat', lat) # Daylight savings and GMT offset. self.query('disable_daylight_savings') gmt_offset = self.get_config('location.gmt_offset', default=0) self.logger.debug(f'Setting GMT offset to {gmt_offset:+04.0f}') self.query('set_gmt_offset', f'{gmt_offset:+04.0f}') # Set the date and time. # Newer firmware has the `set_utc_time` method which sets both the date and time. # Older firmware has `set_local_date` and `set_local_time` which must be called separately. now = current_time() if 'set_utc_time' in self.commands: j2000 = Time(2000, format='jyear') offset_time = (now - j2000).to( self.logger.debug(f'Setting UTC time to {offset_time:0>13.0f}') self.query('set_utc_time', f'{offset_time:0>13.0f}') else: now = now + gmt_offset * u.minute self.query('set_local_time', now.datetime.strftime("%H%M%S")) self.query('set_local_date', now.datetime.strftime("%y%m%d")) def _set_initial_rates(self, alt_limit='+30', meridian_treatment='015'): # Make sure we start at sidereal. self.query('set_sidereal_tracking') self.logger.debug(f'Setting altitude limit to {alt_limit}') self.query('set_altitude_limit', alt_limit) self.logger.debug(f'Setting {meridian_treatment=}') self.query('set_meridian_treatment', meridian_treatment) self.logger.debug('Setting manual moving rate to max') self.query('set_button_moving_rate', 9) self.logger.debug(f"Mount guide rate: {self.query('get_guide_rate')}") def _set_zero_position(self): """ Sets the current position as the zero position. The iOptron allows you to set the current position directly, so we simply call the iOptron command. """"Setting zero position") return self.query('set_zero_position') def _mount_coord_to_skycoord(self, mount_coords): """ Converts between iOptron RA/Dec format and a SkyCoord Args: mount_coords (str): Coordinates as returned by mount Returns: astropy.SkyCoord: Mount coordinates as astropy SkyCoord with EarthLocation included. """ self.logger.debug(f'Mount coordinates: {mount_coords}') coords_match = self._coords_format.fullmatch(mount_coords) self.logger.debug(f'Mount coordinates match: {coords_match}') coords = None if coords_match is not None: ra_coords_units = getattr(u, self._ra_coords_units) dec_coords_units = getattr(u, self._dec_coords_units) # Turn mount output into appropriate units. ra = (int('ra')) * ra_coords_units) dec = (int('dec')) * dec_coords_units) # Old firmware had RA in a time unit. if self._ra_coords_units == 'millisecond': self.logger.debug(f'Converting RA from {self._ra_coords_units} to degrees') ra = ( * u.hourangle) # Convert to degrees. ra = dec = # Add the sign back in. if'dec_sign') == '-': dec = dec * -1 self.logger.debug(f'Creating SkyCoord for {ra=} {dec=}') coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, frame='icrs', unit=(u.deg, u.deg)) self.logger.debug(f'Created SkyCoord: {coords=}') else: self.logger.warning('Cannot create SkyCoord from mount coordinates') return coords def _skycoord_to_mount_coord(self, coords): """ Converts between SkyCoord and a iOptron RA/Dec format. """ # Do some special handling of older firmware that had RA coords in a time unit. if self._ra_coords_units == 'millisecond': self.logger.debug(f'Converting RA from degrees to {self._ra_coords_units}') ra_coord = ( * u.hour).to(self._ra_coords_units).value else: ra_coord = dec_coord = # Convert to a string for the mount. ra_mount = self._ra_format.format(ra_coord) dec_mount = self._dec_format.format(dec_coord) self.logger.debug(f'RA: {ra_coord} <-> {ra_mount=}') self.logger.debug(f'Dec: {dec_coord} <-> {dec_mount=}') return ra_mount, dec_mount def _update_status(self): self._raw_status = self.query('get_status') status = dict() status_match = self._status_format.fullmatch(self._raw_status) if status_match: status_dict = status_match.groupdict() self._state = MountState(int(status_dict['state'])) self._at_mount_park = self.state == MountState.PARKED self._is_home = self.state == MountState.AT_HOME self._is_tracking = self.state == MountState.TRACKING or self.state == MountState.TRACKING_PEC self._is_slewing = self.state == MountState.SLEWING status['state'] = status['is_parked'] = self.is_parked status['at_mount_park'] = self._at_mount_park coords_unit = getattr(u, self._location_units) status['longitude'] = Longitude((float(status_dict['longitude']) * coords_unit).to( # Longitude adds +90° to avoid negative numbers, so subtract for original. status['latitude'] = Latitude((float(status_dict['latitude']) * coords_unit).to( - (90 * status['gps'] = MountGPS(int(status_dict['gps'])).name status['tracking'] = MountTrackingState(int(status_dict['tracking'])).name self._movement_speed = MountMovementSpeed(int(status_dict['movement_speed'])) status['movement_speed'] = status['time_source'] = MountTimeSource(int(status_dict['time_source'])).name status['hemisphere'] = MountHemisphere(int(status_dict['hemisphere'])).name status['tracking_rate_ra'] = self.tracking_rate ts = self.query('get_timestamp') offset = int(ts[:4]) * u.minute daylight_savings = bool(int(ts[4])) status['timestamp'] = ts status['time_offset'] = offset status['time_daylight_savings'] = daylight_savings if self.commands.get('command_version', 0) == 2.5: year = int(ts[5:7]) month = int(ts[7:9]) day = int(ts[9:11]) hour = int(ts[11:13]) minute = int(ts[13:15]) second = int(ts[15:17]) status['time_local'] = Time(f'20{year}-{month:02d}-{day:02d} {hour:02d}:{minute:02d}:{second:02d}').iso elif self.commands.get('command_version', 0) >= 3.10: with suppress(Exception): now = int(ts[5:]) * j2000 = Time(2000, format='jyear') status['time_utc'] = (j2000 + now).iso status['time_local'] = (j2000 + now + offset).iso return status def _setup_commands(self, commands): super()._setup_commands(commands) # Update the `MountInfo` response if one has been set on the class. with suppress(AttributeError, KeyError): self.commands['mount_info']['response'] = self._mount_version