Source code for

import threading
import time
from contextlib import suppress

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from import ASIDriver
from import AbstractSDKCamera
from panoptes.utils import error
from panoptes.utils.images import fits as fits_utils
from panoptes.utils.utils import get_quantity_value

[docs] class Camera(AbstractSDKCamera): _driver = None # Class variable to store the ASI driver interface _cameras = [] # Cache of camera string IDs _assigned_cameras = set() # Camera string IDs already in use. def __init__(self, name='ZWO ASI Camera', gain=100, image_type=None, *args, **kwargs): """ ZWO ASI Camera class Args: serial_number (str): camera serial number or user set ID (up to 8 bytes). See notes. gain (int, optional): gain setting, using camera's internal units. If not given the camera will use its current or default setting. image_type (str, optional): image format to use (one of 'RAW8', 'RAW16', 'RGB24' or 'Y8'). Default is to use 'RAW16' if supported by the camera, otherwise the camera's own default will be used. *args, **kwargs: additional arguments to be passed to the parent classes. Notes: ZWO ASI cameras don't have a 'port', they only have a non-deterministic integer camera_ID and, probably, an 8 byte serial number. Optionally they also have an 8 byte ID that can be written to the camera firmware by the user (using ASICap, or The camera should be identified by its serial number or, if it doesn't have one, by the user set ID. """ kwargs['readout_time'] = kwargs.get('readout_time', 0.1) kwargs['timeout'] = kwargs.get('timeout', 5) # ZWO cameras cannot take internal darks (not even supported in the API yet). kwargs['internal_darks'] = kwargs.get('internal_darks', False) self._video_event = threading.Event() super().__init__(name, ASIDriver, *args, **kwargs) # Increase default temperature_tolerance for ZWO cameras because the # default value is too low for their temperature resolution. self.temperature_tolerance = kwargs.get('temperature_tolerance', 0.6 * u.Celsius) if gain: self.gain = gain if image_type: self.image_type = image_type else: # Take monochrome 12 bit raw images by default, if we can if 'RAW16' in['supported_video_format']: self.image_type = 'RAW16''{} initialised'.format(self)) def __del__(self): """ Attempt some clean up """ with suppress(AttributeError, TypeError): camera_ID = self._handle self._driver.close_camera(camera_ID) self.logger.debug(f'Closed ZWO camera {camera_ID}') super().__del__() # Properties @property def image_type(self): """ Current camera image type, one of 'RAW8', 'RAW16', 'Y8', 'RGB24' """ roi_format = self._driver.get_roi_format(self._handle) return roi_format['image_type'] @image_type.setter def image_type(self, new_image_type): if new_image_type not in['supported_video_format']: msg = "Image type '{} not supported by {}".format(new_image_type, self.model) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) roi_format = self._driver.get_roi_format(self._handle) roi_format['image_type'] = new_image_type self._driver.set_roi_format(self._handle, **roi_format) @property def bit_depth(self): """ADC bit depth""" return['bit_depth'] @property def temperature(self): """ Current temperature of the camera's image sensor """ return self._control_getter('TEMPERATURE')[0] @AbstractSDKCamera.target_temperature.getter def target_temperature(self): """ Current value of the target temperature for the camera's image sensor cooling control. Can be set by assigning an astropy.units.Quantity """ return self._control_getter('TARGET_TEMP')[0] @AbstractSDKCamera.cooling_enabled.getter def cooling_enabled(self): """ Current status of the camera's image sensor cooling system (enabled/disabled) """ return self._control_getter('COOLER_ON')[0] @property def cooling_power(self): """ Current power level of the camera's image sensor cooling system (as a percentage). """ return self._control_getter('COOLER_POWER_PERC')[0] @property def gain(self): """ Current value of the camera's gain setting in internal units. See `egain` for the corresponding electrons / ADU value. """ return self._control_getter('GAIN')[0] @gain.setter def gain(self, gain): self._control_setter('GAIN', gain) self._refresh_info() # This will update egain value in @property def egain(self): """ Image sensor gain in e-/ADU for the current gain, as reported by the camera.""" return['e_per_adu'] @property def is_exposing(self): """ True if an exposure is currently under way, otherwise False """ return self._driver.get_exposure_status(self._handle) == "WORKING" # Methods
[docs] def connect(self, enable_cooling=False): """ Connect to ZWO ASI camera. Gets 'camera_ID' (needed for all driver commands), camera properties and details of available camera commands/parameters. """ self.logger.debug("Connecting to {}".format(self)) self._refresh_info() self._handle =['camera_ID'] self.model, _, _ =['name'].partition('(') if['has_cooler']: self._is_cooled_camera = enable_cooling if['is_color_camera']: self._filter_type =['bayer_pattern'] else: self._filter_type = 'M' # Monochrome self._driver.open_camera(self._handle) self._driver.init_camera(self._handle) self._control_info = self._driver.get_control_caps(self._handle) self._info['control_info'] = self._control_info # control info accessible via properties self._driver.disable_dark_subtract(self._handle) self._connected = True
[docs] def start_video(self, seconds, filename_root, max_frames, image_type=None): if not isinstance(seconds, u.Quantity): seconds = seconds * u.second self._control_setter('EXPOSURE', seconds) if image_type: self.image_type = image_type roi_format = self._driver.get_roi_format(self._handle) width = int(get_quantity_value(roi_format['width'], unit=u.pixel)) height = int(get_quantity_value(roi_format['height'], unit=u.pixel)) image_type = roi_format['image_type'] timeout = 2 * seconds + self.timeout * u.second video_args = (width, height, image_type, timeout, filename_root, self.file_extension, int(max_frames), self._create_fits_header(seconds, dark=False)) video_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._video_readout, args=video_args, daemon=True) self._driver.start_video_capture(self._handle) self._video_event.clear() video_thread.start() self.logger.debug("Video capture started on {}".format(self))
[docs] def stop_video(self): self._video_event.set() self._driver.stop_video_capture(self._handle) self.logger.debug("Video capture stopped on {}".format(self))
# Private methods def _set_target_temperature(self, target): self._control_setter('TARGET_TEMP', target) self._target_temperature = target def _set_cooling_enabled(self, enable): self._control_setter('COOLER_ON', enable) def _video_readout(self, width, height, image_type, timeout, filename_root, file_extension, max_frames, header): start_time = time.monotonic() good_frames = 0 bad_frames = 0 # Calculate number of bits that have been used to pad the raw data to RAW16 format. if self.image_type == 'RAW16': pad_bits = 16 - int(get_quantity_value(self.bit_depth, u.bit)) else: pad_bits = 0 for frame_number in range(max_frames): if self._video_event.is_set(): break # This call will block for up to timeout milliseconds waiting for a frame video_data = self._driver.get_video_data(self._handle, width, height, image_type, timeout) if video_data is not None: now = header.set('DATE-OBS', now.fits, 'End of exposure + readout') filename = f'{filename_root}_{frame_number:06d}.{file_extension}' # Fix 'raw' data scaling by changing from zero padding of LSBs # to zero padding of MSBs. video_data = np.right_shift(video_data, pad_bits) self.write_fits(video_data, header, filename) good_frames += 1 else: bad_frames += 1 if frame_number == max_frames - 1: # No one callled stop_video() before max_frames so have to call it here self.stop_video() elapsed_time = (time.monotonic() - start_time) * u.second self.logger.debug("Captured {} of {} frames in {:.2f} ({:.2f} fps), {} frames lost".format( good_frames, max_frames, elapsed_time, get_quantity_value(good_frames / elapsed_time), bad_frames)) def _start_exposure(self, seconds=None, filename=None, dark=False, header=None, *args, **kwargs): self._control_setter('EXPOSURE', seconds) roi_format = self._driver.get_roi_format(self._handle) self._driver.start_exposure(self._handle) readout_args = (filename, roi_format['width'], roi_format['height'], header) return readout_args def _readout(self, filename, width, height, header): exposure_status = self._driver.get_exposure_status(self._handle) if exposure_status == 'SUCCESS': try: image_data = self._driver.get_exposure_data(self._handle, width, height, self.image_type) except RuntimeError as err: raise error.PanError(f'Error getting image data from {self}: {err}') else: # Fix 'raw' data scaling by changing from zero padding of LSBs # to zero padding of MSBs. if self.image_type == 'RAW16': pad_bits = 16 - int(get_quantity_value(self.bit_depth, u.bit)) image_data = np.right_shift(image_data, pad_bits) self.write_fits(data=image_data, header=header, filename=filename) elif exposure_status == 'FAILED': raise error.PanError(f"Exposure failed on {self}") elif exposure_status == 'IDLE': raise error.PanError(f"Exposure missing on {self}") else: raise error.PanError(f"Unexpected exposure status on {self}: '{exposure_status}'") def _create_fits_header(self, seconds, dark=None, metadata=None) -> fits.Header: header = super()._create_fits_header(seconds, dark) header.set('CAM-GAIN', self.gain, 'Internal units') header.set('XPIXSZ', get_quantity_value(['pixel_size'],, 'Microns') header.set('YPIXSZ', get_quantity_value(['pixel_size'],, 'Microns') return header def _refresh_info(self): self._info = self._driver.get_camera_property(self._address) def _control_getter(self, control_type): if control_type in self._control_info: return self._driver.get_control_value(self._handle, control_type) else: raise error.NotSupported("{} has no '{}' parameter".format(self.model, control_type)) def _control_setter(self, control_type, value): if control_type not in self._control_info: raise error.NotSupported("{} has no '{}' parameter".format(self.model, control_type)) control_name = self._control_info[control_type]['name'] if not self._control_info[control_type]['is_writable']: raise error.NotSupported("{} cannot set {} parameter'".format( self.model, control_name)) if value != 'AUTO': # Check limits. max_value = self._control_info[control_type]['max_value'] if value > max_value: self.logger.warning(f"Cannot set {control_name} to {value}, clipping to max value:" f" {max_value}.") self._driver.set_control_value(self._handle, control_type, max_value) return min_value = self._control_info[control_type]['min_value'] if value < min_value: self.logger.warning(f"Cannot set {control_name} to {value}, clipping to min value:" f" {min_value}.") self._driver.set_control_value(self._handle, control_type, min_value) return else: if not self._control_info[control_type]['is_auto_supported']: raise error.IllegalValue(f"{self.model} cannot set {control_name} to AUTO") self._driver.set_control_value(self._handle, control_type, value)