Source code for

import time
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from contextlib import suppress

from import fits

from panoptes.pocs.base import PanBase
from import AbstractCamera
from panoptes.utils import error
from panoptes.utils.library import load_c_library
from panoptes.pocs.utils.logger import get_logger

# Would usually use self.logger but that won't exist until after calling super().__init__(),
# and don't want to do that until after the serial number and port have both been determined
# in order to avoid log entries with misleading values. To enable logging during the device
# scanning phase use get_logger() instead.
# TODO figure out how to remove this.
logger = get_logger()

[docs] class AbstractSDKDriver(PanBase, metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, name, library_path=None, *args, **kwargs): """Base class for all camera SDK interfaces. On construction loads the shared object/dynamically linked version of the camera SDK library, which must be already installed. The name and location of the shared library can be manually specified with the library_path argument, otherwise the ctypes.util.find_library function will be used to try to locate it. Args: name (str): name of the library (without 'lib' prefix or any suffixes, e.g. 'fli'). library_path (str, optional): path to the libary e.g. '/usr/local/lib/' Raises: panoptes.utils.error.NotFound: raised if library_path not given & find_libary fails to locate the library. OSError: raises if the ctypes.CDLL loader cannot load the library. """ # Most SDK cameras can take internal darks so set to True by default. kwargs['internal_darks'] = kwargs.get('internal_darks', True) super().__init__(**kwargs) self._CDLL = load_c_library(name=name, path=library_path) self._version = self.get_SDK_version() self.logger.debug("{} driver ({}) initialised.".format(name, self._version)) # Properties @property def version(self): return self._version # Methods
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_SDK_version(self): """ Get the version of the SDK """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_devices(self): """Get connected device UIDs and corresponding device nodes/handles/IDs.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] class AbstractSDKCamera(AbstractCamera): _driver = None _cameras = dict() _assigned_cameras = set() def __init__(self, name='Generic SDK camera', driver=AbstractSDKDriver, library_path=None, filter_type=None, target_temperature=None, *args, **kwargs): # The SDK cameras don't generally have a 'port', they are identified by a serial_number, # which is some form of unique ID readable via the camera SDK. kwargs['port'] = None serial_number = kwargs.get('serial_number') if not serial_number: msg = f"Must specify serial_number for {name}." logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # Get class of current object in a way that works in derived classes my_class = type(self) if my_class._driver is None: # Initialise the driver if it hasn't already been done my_class._driver = driver(library_path=library_path) logger.debug(f"Looking for name={name!r} with UID 'serial_number={serial_number!r}'.") if not my_class._cameras: # No cached camera details, need to probe for connected cameras # This will raise a PanError if there are no cameras. my_class._cameras = my_class._driver.get_devices() logger.debug(f"Connected {name} devices: {my_class._cameras}") if serial_number in my_class._cameras: logger.debug(f"Found {name} with {serial_number=!r} " f"at {my_class._cameras[serial_number]}.") else: raise error.InvalidConfig(f"No config information found for " f"{name=!r} with {serial_number=!r} in {my_class._cameras}") if serial_number in my_class._assigned_cameras: raise error.PanError(f"{name} with UID serial_number={serial_number!r} already in use.") else: my_class._assigned_cameras.add(serial_number) self._info = dict() super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs) self._address = my_class._cameras[self.uid] self.connect() if not self.is_connected: raise error.PanError(f"Could not connect to {self}.") if filter_type: # connect() will have set this based on camera info, but that doesn't know about filters # upstream of the CCD. Can be set manually here, or handled by a filterwheel attribute. self._filter_type = filter_type if target_temperature is not None: if self.is_cooled_camera: self.target_temperature = target_temperature # Setting this will call _check_temperature_stability self.cooling_enabled = True # Block here while camera temperature stabilises while self.is_temperature_stable is False: time.sleep(0.5) msg = f"Set target temperature {target_temperature} & enabled cooling on {self}." self.logger.debug(msg) else: msg = "Setting a target temperature on uncooled camera {}".format(self) self.logger.warning(msg) def __del__(self): """ Attempt some clean up. """ if hasattr(self, 'uid'): logger.debug(f'Removing {self.uid} from: {type(self)._assigned_cameras}') type(self)._assigned_cameras.discard(self.uid) logger.debug(f'Assigned cameras after removing: {type(self)._assigned_cameras}') # Properties @property def properties(self): """ A collection of camera properties as read from the camera """ return self._info # Methods def _create_fits_header(self, seconds, dark=None, metadata=None) -> fits.Header: header = super()._create_fits_header(seconds, dark=dark) header.set('CAM-SDK', type(self)._driver.version, 'Camera SDK version') return header def __str__(self): # SDK cameras don't have a port so just include the serial number in the string # representation. s = f"{} ({self.uid})" with suppress(AttributeError): if self.focuser: s += f' with {}' if self.filterwheel: s += f' & {}' with suppress(AttributeError): if self.filterwheel: s += f' with {}' return s