Source code for

Low level interface to the SBIG Unversal Driver/Library.

Reproduces in Python (using ctypes) the C interface provided by SBIG's shared
library, i.e. 1 function that does 72 different things selected by passing an
integer as the first argument. This is basically a direct translation of the
enums and structs defined in the library C-header to Python dicts and
ctypes.Structures, plus a class (SBIGDriver) to load the library
and call the single command function (SBIGDriver._send_command()).
import ctypes
import enum
import threading
import time

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from numpy.ctypeslib import as_ctypes
from import AbstractSDKDriver
from panoptes.utils import error
from panoptes.utils.time import CountdownTimer
from panoptes.utils.utils import get_quantity_value

# Main SBIGDriver class

[docs] class SBIGDriver(AbstractSDKDriver): def __init__(self, library_path=None, retries=1, **kwargs): """ Main class representing the SBIG Universal Driver/Library interface. On construction loads SBIG's shared library which must have already been installed (see The name and location of the shared library can be manually specified with the library_path argument, otherwise the ctypes.util.find_library function will be used to locate it. Args: library_path (str, optional): path to the library e.g. '/usr/local/lib/'. retries (int, optional): maximum number of times to attempt to send a command to a camera in case of failures. Default 1, i.e. only send a command once. Returns: `` Raises: panoptes.utils.error.NotFound: raised if library_path not given & find_libary fails to locate the library. OSError: raises if the ctypes.CDLL loader cannot load the library. """ # Create a Lock that will used to prevent simultaneous commands from multiple # cameras. Main reason for this is preventing overlapping readouts. self._command_lock = threading.Lock() self._retries = retries super().__init__(name='sbigudrv', library_path=library_path, **kwargs) # Properties @property def retries(self): return self._retries @retries.setter def retries(self, retries): retries = int(retries) if retries < 1: raise ValueError("retries should be 1 or greater, got {}!".format(retries)) self._retries = retries # Methods
[docs] def get_SDK_version(self, request_type='DRIVER_STD'): driver_info_params = GetDriverInfoParams(driver_request_codes[request_type]) driver_info_results = GetDriverInfoResults0() self.open_driver() # Make sure driver is open with self._command_lock: self._send_command('CC_GET_DRIVER_INFO', driver_info_params, driver_info_results) version_string = "{}, {}".format('ascii'), self._bcd_to_string(driver_info_results.version)) return version_string
[docs] def get_devices(self): """Gets currently connected camera inf. Returns: dict: All currently connected camera serial numbers with corresponding handles. """ camera_info = QueryUSBResults2() with self._command_lock: self._send_command('CC_QUERY_USB2', results=camera_info) if not camera_info.camerasFound: raise error.PanError("No SBIG camera devices found.") cameras = {} for i in range(camera_info.camerasFound): serial_number = camera_info.usbInfo[i].serialNumber.decode('ascii') device_type = "DEV_USB{}".format(i + 1) cameras[serial_number] = device_type return cameras
[docs] def open_driver(self): with self._command_lock: self._send_command('CC_OPEN_DRIVER')
[docs] def open_device(self, device_type): odp = OpenDeviceParams(device_type_codes[device_type], 0, 0) with self._command_lock: self._send_command('CC_OPEN_DEVICE', params=odp)
[docs] def get_driver_handle(self): ghr = GetDriverHandleResults() with self._command_lock: self._send_command('CC_GET_DRIVER_HANDLE', results=ghr) return ghr.handle
[docs] def set_handle(self, handle): set_handle_params = SetDriverHandleParams(handle) self._send_command('CC_SET_DRIVER_HANDLE', params=set_handle_params)
[docs] def get_ccd_info(self, handle): """ Use Get CCD Info to gather all relevant info about CCD capabilities. Already have camera type, 'name' and serial number, this gets the rest. """ # 'CCD_INFO_IMAGING' will get firmware version, and a list of readout modes (binning) # with corresponding image widths, heights, gains and also physical pixel width, height. ccd_info_params0 = GetCCDInfoParams(ccd_info_request_codes['CCD_INFO_IMAGING']) ccd_info_results0 = GetCCDInfoResults0() # 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED' will get bad column info, and whether the CCD has ABG or not. ccd_info_params2 = GetCCDInfoParams(ccd_info_request_codes['CCD_INFO_EXTENDED']) ccd_info_results2 = GetCCDInfoResults2() # 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED2_IMAGING' will get info like full frame/frame transfer, interline or # not, presence of internal frame buffer, etc. ccd_info_params4 = GetCCDInfoParams(ccd_info_request_codes['CCD_INFO_EXTENDED2_IMAGING']) ccd_info_results4 = GetCCDInfoResults4() # 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED3' will get info like mechanical shutter or not, mono/colour, # Bayer/Truesense. ccd_info_params6 = GetCCDInfoParams(ccd_info_request_codes['CCD_INFO_EXTENDED3']) ccd_info_results6 = GetCCDInfoResults6() with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_GET_CCD_INFO', params=ccd_info_params0, results=ccd_info_results0) self._send_command('CC_GET_CCD_INFO', params=ccd_info_params2, results=ccd_info_results2) self._send_command('CC_GET_CCD_INFO', params=ccd_info_params4, results=ccd_info_results4) self._send_command('CC_GET_CCD_INFO', params=ccd_info_params6, results=ccd_info_results6) # Now to convert all this ctypes stuff into Pythonic data structures. ccd_info = {'firmware version': self._bcd_to_string(ccd_info_results0.firmwareVersion), 'camera type': camera_types[ccd_info_results0.cameraType], 'camera name': str(, encoding='ascii'), 'bad columns': ccd_info_results2.columns[0:ccd_info_results2.badColumns], 'imaging ABG': bool(ccd_info_results2.imagingABG), 'serial number': str(ccd_info_results2.serialNumber, encoding='ascii'), 'frame transfer': bool(ccd_info_results4.capabilities_b0), 'electronic shutter': bool(ccd_info_results4.capabilities_b1), 'remote guide head support': bool(ccd_info_results4.capabilities_b2), 'Biorad TDI support': bool(ccd_info_results4.capabilities_b3), 'AO8': bool(ccd_info_results4.capabilities_b4), 'frame buffer': bool(ccd_info_results4.capabilities_b5), 'dump extra': ccd_info_results4.dumpExtra, 'STXL': bool(ccd_info_results6.camera_b0), 'mechanical shutter': not bool(ccd_info_results6.camera_b1), 'colour': bool(ccd_info_results6.ccd_b0), 'Truesense': bool(ccd_info_results6.ccd_b1)} readout_mode_info = self._parse_readout_info( ccd_info_results0.readoutInfo[0:ccd_info_results0.readoutModes]) ccd_info['readout modes'] = readout_mode_info return ccd_info
[docs] def disable_vdd_optimized(self, handle): """ Stops selective lowering of the CCD's Vdd voltage to ensure consistent bias structures. There are many driver control parameters, almost all of which we would not want to change from their default values. The one exception is DCP_VDD_OPTIMIZED. From the SBIG manual: The DCP_VDD_OPTIMIZED parameter defaults to TRUE which lowers the CCD’s Vdd (which reduces amplifier glow) only for images 3 seconds and longer. This was done to increase the image throughput for short exposures as raising and lowering Vdd takes 100s of milliseconds. The lowering and subsequent raising of Vdd delays the image readout slightly which causes short exposures to have a different bias structure than long exposures. Setting this parameter to FALSE stops the short exposure optimization from occurring. The default behaviour will improve image throughput for exposure times of 3 seconds or less but at the penalty of altering the bias structure between short and long exposures. This could cause systematic errors in bias frames, dark current measurements, etc. It's probably not worth it. """ set_driver_control_params = SetDriverControlParams( driver_control_codes['DCP_VDD_OPTIMIZED'], 0) self.logger.debug('Disabling DCP_VDD_OPTIMIZE on {}'.format(handle)) with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_SET_DRIVER_CONTROL', params=set_driver_control_params)
[docs] def query_temp_status(self, handle): qtp = QueryTemperatureStatusParams(temp_status_request_codes['TEMP_STATUS_ADVANCED2']) qtr = QueryTemperatureStatusResults2() with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_QUERY_TEMPERATURE_STATUS', qtp, qtr) temp_status = {'cooling_enabled': bool(qtr.coolingEnabled), 'fan_enabled': bool(qtr.fanEnabled), 'ccd_set_point': qtr.ccdSetpoint * u.Celsius, 'imaging_ccd_temperature': qtr.imagingCCDTemperature * u.Celsius, 'tracking_ccd_temperature': qtr.trackingCCDTemperature * u.Celsius, 'external_ccd_temperature': qtr.externalTrackingCCDTemperature * u.Celsius, 'ambient_temperature': qtr.ambientTemperature * u.Celsius, 'imaging_ccd_power': qtr.imagingCCDPower * u.percent, 'tracking_ccd_power': qtr.trackingCCDPower * u.percent, 'external_ccd_power': qtr.externalTrackingCCDPower * u.percent, 'heatsink_temperature': qtr.heatsinkTemperature * u.Celsius, 'fan_power': qtr.fanPower * u.percent, 'fan_speed': qtr.fanSpeed / u.minute, 'tracking_ccd_set_point': qtr.trackingCCDSetpoint * u.Celsius} return temp_status
[docs] def set_temp_regulation(self, handle, target_temperature, enabled): target_temperature = get_quantity_value(target_temperature, unit=u.Celsius) if enabled: enable_code = temperature_regulation_codes['REGULATION_ON'] else: enable_code = temperature_regulation_codes['REGULATION_OFF'] set_temp_params = SetTemperatureRegulationParams2(enable_code, target_temperature) # Use temperature regulation autofreeze, if available (might marginally reduce read noise). autofreeze_code = temperature_regulation_codes['REGULATION_ENABLE_AUTOFREEZE'] set_freeze_params = SetTemperatureRegulationParams2(autofreeze_code, target_temperature) with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_SET_TEMPERATURE_REGULATION2', params=set_temp_params) self._send_command('CC_SET_TEMPERATURE_REGULATION2', params=set_freeze_params)
[docs] def get_exposure_status(self, handle): """Returns the current exposure status of the camera, e.g. 'CS_IDLE', 'CS_INTEGRATING' """ query_status_params = QueryCommandStatusParams(command_codes['CC_START_EXPOSURE2']) query_status_results = QueryCommandStatusResults() with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_QUERY_COMMAND_STATUS', params=query_status_params, results=query_status_results) return statuses[query_status_results.status]
[docs] def start_exposure(self, handle, seconds, dark, antiblooming, readout_mode, top, left, height, width): # SBIG driver expects exposure time in 100ths of a second. centiseconds = int(get_quantity_value(seconds, unit=u.second) * 100) # This setting is ignored by most cameras (even if they do have ABG), only exceptions are # the TC211 versions of the Tracking CCD on the ST-7/8/etc. and the Imaging CCD of the # PixCel255 if antiblooming: # Camera supports anti-blooming, use it on medium setting? abg_command_code = abg_state_codes['ABG_CLK_MED7'] else: # Camera doesn't support anti-blooming, don't try to use it. abg_command_code = abg_state_codes['ABG_LOW7'] if not dark: # Normal exposure, will open (and close) shutter shutter_command_code = shutter_command_codes['SC_OPEN_SHUTTER'] else: # Dark frame, will keep shutter closed throughout shutter_command_code = shutter_command_codes['SC_CLOSE_SHUTTER'] start_exposure_params = StartExposureParams2(ccd_codes['CCD_IMAGING'], centiseconds, abg_command_code, shutter_command_code, readout_mode_codes[readout_mode], int(get_quantity_value(top, u.pixel)), int(get_quantity_value(left, u.pixel)), int(get_quantity_value(height, u.pixel)), int(get_quantity_value(width, u.pixel))) with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_START_EXPOSURE2', params=start_exposure_params)
[docs] def readout(self, handle, readout_mode, top, left, height, width): # Set up all the parameter and result Structures that will be needed. readout_mode_code = readout_mode_codes[readout_mode] top = int(get_quantity_value(top, unit=u.pixel)) left = int(get_quantity_value(left, unit=u.pixel)) height = int(get_quantity_value(height, unit=u.pixel)) width = int(get_quantity_value(width, unit=u.pixel)) end_exposure_params = EndExposureParams(ccd_codes['CCD_IMAGING']) start_readout_params = StartReadoutParams(ccd_codes['CCD_IMAGING'], readout_mode_code, top, left, height, width) readout_line_params = ReadoutLineParams(ccd_codes['CCD_IMAGING'], readout_mode_code, left, width) end_readout_params = EndReadoutParams(ccd_codes['CCD_IMAGING']) # Array to hold the image data image_data = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint16) rows_got = 0 # Readout data with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_END_EXPOSURE', params=end_exposure_params) self._send_command('CC_START_READOUT', params=start_readout_params) try: for i in range(height): self._send_command('CC_READOUT_LINE', params=readout_line_params, results=as_ctypes(image_data[i])) rows_got += 1 except RuntimeError as err: message = 'expected {} rows, got {}: {}'.format(height, rows_got, err) raise RuntimeError(message) try: self._send_command('CC_END_READOUT', params=end_readout_params) except RuntimeError as err: message = "error ending readout: {}".format(err) raise RuntimeError(message) return image_data
[docs] def cfw_init(self, handle, model='AUTO', timeout=10 * u.second): """ Initialise colour filter wheel Sends the initialise command to the colour filter wheel attached to the camera specified with handle. This will generally not be required because all SBIG filter wheels initialise themselves on power up. Args: handle (int): handle of the camera that the filter wheel is connected to. model (str, optional): Model of the filter wheel to control. Default is 'AUTO', which asks the driver to autodetect the model. timeout (u.Quantity, optional): maximum time to wait for the move to complete. Should be a Quantity with time units. If a numeric type without units is given seconds will be assumed. Default is 10 seconds. Returns: dict: dictionary containing the 'model', 'position', 'status' and 'error' values returned by the driver. Raises: RuntimeError: raised if the driver returns an error """ self.logger.debug("Initialising filter wheel on {}".format(handle)) cfw_init = self._cfw_params(handle, model, CFWCommand.INIT) # The filterwheel init command does not block until complete, but this method should. # Need to poll. init_event = threading.Event() # Expect filter wheel to end up in position 1 after initialisation poll_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._cfw_poll, args=(handle, 1, model, init_event, timeout), daemon=True) poll_thread.start() init_event.wait() return self._cfw_parse_results(cfw_init)
[docs] def cfw_query(self, handle, model='AUTO'): """ Query status of the colour filter wheel This is mostly used to poll the filter wheel status after asking the filter wheel to move in order to find out when the move has completed. Args: handle (int): handle of the camera that the filter wheel is connected to. model (str, optional): Model of the filter wheel to control. Default is 'AUTO', which asks the driver to autodetect the model. Returns: dict: dictionary containing the 'model', 'position', 'status' and 'error' values returned by the driver. Raises: RuntimeError: raised if the driver returns an error """ cfw_query = self._cfw_command(handle, model, CFWCommand.QUERY) return self._cfw_parse_results(cfw_query)
[docs] def cfw_get_info(self, handle, model='AUTO'): """ Get info from the colour filter wheel This will return the usual status information plus the firmware version and the number of filter wheel positions. Args: handle (int): handle of the camera that the filter wheel is connected to. model (str, optional): Model of the filter wheel to control. Default is 'AUTO', which asks the driver to autodetect the model. Returns: dict: dictionary containing the 'model', 'firmware_version' and 'n_positions' for the filter wheel. Raises: RuntimeError: raised if the driver returns an error """ cfw_info = self._cfw_command(handle, model, CFWCommand.GET_INFO, CFWGetInfoSelect.FIRMWARE_VERSION) results = {'model': CFWModelSelect(cfw_info.cfwModel).name, 'firmware_version': int(cfw_info.cfwResults1), 'n_positions': int(cfw_info.cfwResults2)} msg = "Filter wheel on {}, model: {}, firmware version: {}, number of positions: {}".format( handle, results['model'], results['firmware_version'], results['n_positions']) self.logger.debug(msg) return results
[docs] def cfw_goto(self, handle, position, model='AUTO', cfw_event=None, timeout=10 * u.second): """ Move colour filer wheel to a given position This function returns immediately after starting the move but spawns a thread to poll the filter wheel until the move completes (see _cfw_poll method for details). This thread will log the result of the move, and optionally set a threading.Event to signal that it has completed. Args: handle (int): handle of the camera that the filter wheel is connected to. position (int): position to move the filter wheel. Must an integer >= 1. model (str, optional): Model of the filter wheel to control. Default is 'AUTO', which asks the driver to autodetect the model. cfw_event (threading.Event, optional): Event to set once the move is complete timeout (u.Quantity, optional): maximum time to wait for the move to complete. Should be a Quantity with time units. If a numeric type without units is given seconds will be assumed. Default is 10 seconds. Returns: dict: dictionary containing the 'model', 'position', 'status' and 'error' values returned by the driver. Raises: RuntimeError: raised if the driver returns an error """ self.logger.debug("Moving filter wheel on {} to position {}".format(handle, position)) # First check that the filter wheel isn't currently moving, and that the requested # position is valid. info = self.cfw_get_info(handle, model) if position < 1 or position > info['n_positions']: msg = "Position must be between 1 and {}, got {}".format( info['n_positions'], position) self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) query = self.cfw_query(handle, model) if query['status'] == CFWStatus.BUSY: msg = "Attempt to move filter wheel when already moving" self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) cfw_goto_results = self._cfw_command(handle, model, CFWCommand.GOTO, position) # Poll filter wheel in order to set cfw_event once move is complete poll_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._cfw_poll, args=(handle, position, model, cfw_event, timeout), daemon=True) poll_thread.start() return self._cfw_parse_results(cfw_goto_results)
# Private methods def _cfw_poll(self, handle, position, model='AUTO', cfw_event=None, timeout=None): """ Polls filter wheel until the current move is complete. Also monitors for errors while polling and checks status and position after the move is complete. Optionally sets a threading.Event to signal the end of the move. Has an optional timeout to raise an TimeoutError is the move takes longer than expected. Args: handle (int): handle of the camera that the filter wheel is connected to. position (int): position to move the filter wheel. Must be an integer >= 1. model (str, optional): Model of the filter wheel to control. Default is 'AUTO', which asks the driver to autodetect the model. cfw_event (threading.Event, optional): Event to set once the move is complete timeout (u.Quantity, optional): maximum time to wait for the move to complete. Should be a Quantity with time units. If a numeric type without units is given seconds will be assumed. Raises: RuntimeError: raised if the driver returns an error or if the final status and position are not as expected. panoptes.utils.error.Timeout: raised if the move does not end within the period of time specified by the timeout argument. """ if timeout is not None: timer = CountdownTimer(duration=timeout) try: query = self.cfw_query(handle, model) while query['status'] == 'BUSY': if timeout is not None and timer.expired(): msg = "Timeout waiting for filter wheel {} to move to {}".format( handle, position) raise error.Timeout(msg) time.sleep(0.1) query = self.cfw_query(handle, model) except RuntimeError as err: # Error returned by driver at some point while polling self.logger.error('Error while moving filter wheel on {} to {}: {}'.format( handle, position, err)) raise err else: # No driver errors, but still check status and position if query['status'] == 'IDLE' and query['position'] == position: self.logger.debug('Filter wheel on {} moved to position {}'.format( handle, query['position'])) else: msg = 'Problem moving filter wheel on {} to {} - status: {}, position: {}'.format( handle, position, query['status'], query['position']) self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) finally: # Regardless must always set the Event when the move has stopped. if cfw_event is not None: cfw_event.set() def _cfw_parse_results(self, cfw_results): """ Converts filter wheel results Structure into something more Pythonic """ results = {'model': CFWModelSelect(cfw_results.cfwModel).name, 'position': int(cfw_results.cfwPosition), 'status': CFWStatus(cfw_results.cfwStatus).name, 'error': CFWError(cfw_results.cfwError).name} if results['position'] == 0: results['position'] = float('nan') # 0 means position unknown return results def _cfw_command(self, handle, model, *args): """ Helper function to send filter wheel commands Args: handle (int): handle of the camera that the filter wheel is connected to. model (str): Model of the filter wheel to control. *args: remaining parameters for the filter wheel command Returns: CFWResults: ctypes Structure containing results of the command """ cfw_params = CFWParams(CFWModelSelect[model], *args) cfw_results = CFWResults() with self._command_lock: self.set_handle(handle) self._send_command('CC_CFW', cfw_params, cfw_results) return cfw_results def _bcd_to_int(self, bcd, int_type='ushort'): """ Function to decode the Binary Coded Decimals returned by the Get CCD Info command. These will be integers of C types ushort or ulong, encoding decimal numbers of the form XX.XX or XXXXXX.XX, i.e. when converting to a numerical value they will need dividing by 100. """ # BCD has been automatically converted by ctypes to a Python int. Need to convert to # bytes sequence of correct length and byte order. SBIG library seems to use # big endian byte order for the BCDs regardless of platform. if int_type == 'ushort': bcd = bcd.to_bytes(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ushort), byteorder='big') elif int_type == 'ulong': bcd = bcd.to_bytes(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ulong), byteorder='big') else: self.logger.error('Unknown integer type {}!'.format(int_type)) return # Convert bytes sequence to hexadecimal string representation, which will also be the # string representation of the decoded binary coded decimal, apart from possible # leading zeros. Convert back to an int to strip the leading zeros. return int(bcd.hex()) def _bcd_to_float(self, bcd, int_type='ushort'): # Includes conversion to intended numerical value, i.e. division by 100 return self._bcd_to_int(bcd, int_type) / 100.0 def _bcd_to_string(self, bcd, int_type='ushort'): # Includes conversion to intended numerical value, i.e. division by 100 s = str(self._bcd_to_int(bcd, int_type)) return "{}.{}".format(s[:-2], s[-2:]) def _parse_readout_info(self, infos): readout_mode_info = {} for info in infos: mode = readout_modes[info.mode] gain = self._bcd_to_float(info.gain) pixel_width = self._bcd_to_float(info.pixelWidth, int_type='ulong') pixel_height = self._bcd_to_float(info.pixelHeight, int_type='ulong') readout_mode_info[mode] = {'width': info.width * u.pixel, 'height': info.height * u.pixel, 'gain': gain * u.electron / u.adu, 'pixel width': pixel_width *, 'pixel height': pixel_height *} return readout_mode_info def _send_command(self, command, params=None, results=None): """ Function for sending a command to the SBIG Universal Driver/Library. Args: command (string): Name of command to send params (ctypes.Structure, optional): Subclass of Structure containing command parameters results (ctypes.Structure, optional): Subclass of Structure to store command results Returns: error (str): error message received from the SBIG driver, will be 'CE_NO_ERROR' if no error occurs. Raises: KeyError: Raised if command not in SBIG command list RuntimeError: Raised if return code indicates a fatal error, or is not recognised """ # Look up integer command code for the given command string, raises # KeyError if no matches found. try: command_code = command_codes[command] except KeyError: msg = "Invalid SBIG command '{}'!".format(command) self.logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) error = None retries_remaining = self.retries while error != 'CE_NO_ERROR' and retries_remaining > 0: # Send the command to the driver. Need to pass pointers to params, # results structs or None (which gets converted to a null pointer). return_code = self._CDLL.SBIGUnivDrvCommand( command_code, (ctypes.byref(params) if params else None), (ctypes.byref(results) if results else None)) # Look up the error message for the return code, raises Error if no # match found. This should never happen, and if it does it probably # indicates a serious problem such an outdated driver that is # incompatible with the camera in use. try: error = errors[return_code] except KeyError: msg = "SBIG Driver returned unknown error code '{}'".format(return_code) self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) retries_remaining -= 1 # Raise a RuntimeError exception if return code is not 0 (no error). # This is probably excessively cautious and will need to be relaxed, # there are likely to be situations where other return codes don't # necessarily indicate a fatal error. # Will not raise a RunTimeError if the error is 'CE_DRIVER_NOT_CLOSED' # because this only indicates an attempt to open the driver then it is # already open. if error not in ('CE_NO_ERROR', 'CE_DRIVER_NOT_CLOSED'): if error == 'CE_CFW_ERROR': cfw_error_code = results.cfwError try: error = "CFW {}".format(CFWError(cfw_error_code).name) except ValueError: msg = "SBIG Driver return unknown CFW error code '{}'".format(cfw_error_code) self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) msg = "SBIG Driver returned error '{}'!".format(error) self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) return error
################################################################################# # Commands and error messages ################################################################################# # Camera command codes. Doesn't include the 'SBIG only" commands. command_codes = {'CC_NULL': 0, 'CC_START_EXPOSURE': 1, 'CC_END_EXPOSURE': 2, 'CC_READOUT_LINE': 3, 'CC_DUMP_LINES': 4, 'CC_SET_TEMPERATURE_REGULATION': 5, 'CC_QUERY_TEMPERATURE_STATUS': 6, 'CC_ACTIVATE_RELAY': 7, 'CC_PULSE_OUT': 8, 'CC_ESTABLISH_LINK': 9, 'CC_GET_DRIVER_INFO': 10, 'CC_GET_CCD_INFO': 11, 'CC_QUERY_COMMAND_STATUS': 12, 'CC_MISCELLANEOUS_CONTROL': 13, 'CC_READ_SUBTRACT_LINE': 14, 'CC_UPDATE_CLOCK': 15, 'CC_READ_OFFSET': 16, 'CC_OPEN_DRIVER': 17, 'CC_CLOSE_DRIVER': 18, 'CC_TX_SERIAL_BYTES': 19, 'CC_GET_SERIAL_STATUS': 20, 'CC_AO_TIP_TILT': 21, 'CC_AO_SET_FOCUS': 22, 'CC_AO_DELAY': 23, 'CC_GET_TURBO_STATUS': 24, 'CC_END_READOUT': 25, 'CC_GET_US_TIMER': 26, 'CC_OPEN_DEVICE': 27, 'CC_CLOSE_DEVICE': 28, 'CC_SET_IRQL': 29, 'CC_GET_IRQL': 30, 'CC_GET_LINE': 31, 'CC_GET_LINK_STATUS': 32, 'CC_GET_DRIVER_HANDLE': 33, 'CC_SET_DRIVER_HANDLE': 34, 'CC_START_READOUT': 35, 'CC_GET_ERROR_STRING': 36, 'CC_SET_DRIVER_CONTROL': 37, 'CC_GET_DRIVER_CONTROL': 38, 'CC_USB_AD_CONTROL': 39, 'CC_QUERY_USB': 40, 'CC_GET_PENTIUM_CYCLE_COUNT': 41, 'CC_RW_USB_I2C': 42, 'CC_CFW': 43, 'CC_BIT_IO': 44, 'CC_USER_EEPROM': 45, 'CC_AO_CENTER': 46, 'CC_BTDI_SETUP': 47, 'CC_MOTOR_FOCUS': 48, 'CC_QUERY_ETHERNET': 49, 'CC_START_EXPOSURE2': 50, 'CC_SET_TEMPERATURE_REGULATION2': 51, 'CC_READ_OFFSET2': 52, 'CC_DIFF_GUIDER': 53, 'CC_COLUMN_EEPROM': 54, 'CC_CUSTOMER_OPTIONS': 55, 'CC_DEBUG_LOG': 56, 'CC_QUERY_USB2': 57, 'CC_QUERY_ETHERNET2': 58, 'CC_GET_AO_MODEL': 59, 'CC_QUERY_USB3': 60, 'CC_QUERY_COMMAND_STATUS2': 61} # Reversed dictionary, just in case you ever need to look up a command given a # command code. commands = {code: command for command, code in command_codes.items()} # Camera error messages errors = {0: 'CE_NO_ERROR', 1: 'CE_CAMERA_NOT_FOUND', 2: 'CE_EXPOSURE_IN_PROGRESS', 3: 'CE_NO_EXPOSURE_IN_PROGRESS', 4: 'CE_UNKNOWN_COMMAND', 5: 'CE_BAD_CAMERA_COMMAND', 6: 'CE_BAD_PARAMETER', 7: 'CE_TX_TIMEOUT', 8: 'CE_RX_TIMEOUT', 9: 'CE_NAK_RECEIVED', 10: 'CE_CAN_RECEIVED', 11: 'CE_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE', 12: 'CE_BAD_LENGTH', 13: 'CE_AD_TIMEOUT', 14: 'CE_KBD_ESC', 15: 'CE_CHECKSUM_ERROR', 16: 'CE_EEPROM_ERROR', 17: 'CE_SHUTTER_ERROR', 18: 'CE_UNKNOWN_CAMERA', 19: 'CE_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND', 20: 'CE_DRIVER_NOT_OPEN', 21: 'CE_DRIVER_NOT_CLOSED', 22: 'CE_SHARE_ERROR', 23: 'CE_TCE_NOT_FOUND', 24: 'CE_AO_ERROR', 25: 'CE_ECP_ERROR', 26: 'CE_MEMORY_ERROR', 27: 'CE_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND', 28: 'CE_DEVICE_NOT_OPEN', 29: 'CE_DEVICE_NOT_CLOSED', 30: 'CE_DEVICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 31: 'CE_DEVICE_DISABLED', 32: 'CE_OS_ERROR', 33: 'CE_SOCK_ERROR', 34: 'CE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND', 35: 'CE_CFW_ERROR', 36: 'CE_MF_ERROR', 37: 'CE_FIRMWARE_ERROR', 38: 'CE_DIFF_GUIDER_ERROR', 39: 'CE_RIPPLE_CORRECTION_ERROR', 40: 'CE_EZUSB_RESET', 41: 'CE_INCOMPATIBLE_FIRMWARE', 42: 'CE_INVALID_HANDLE', 43: 'CE_NEXT_ERROR'} # Reverse dictionary, just in case you ever need to look up an error code given # an error name error_codes = {error: error_code for error_code, error in errors.items()} ################################################################################# # Query USB Info related. #################################################################################
[docs] class QueryUSBInfo(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes (Sub-)Structure used to hold details of individual cameras returned by 'CC_QUERY_USB' command """ # Rather than use C99 _Bool type SBIG library uses 0 = False, 1 = True _fields_ = [('cameraFound', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cameraType', ctypes.c_ushort), ('name', ctypes.c_char * 64), ('serialNumber', ctypes.c_char * 10)]
[docs] class QueryUSBResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the results from 'CC_QUERY_USB' command (max 4 cameras). """ _fields_ = [('camerasFound', ctypes.c_ushort), ('usbInfo', QueryUSBInfo * 4)]
[docs] class QueryUSBResults2(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the results from 'CC_QUERY_USB2' command (max 8 cameras). """ _fields_ = [('camerasFound', ctypes.c_ushort), ('usbInfo', QueryUSBInfo * 8)]
[docs] class QueryUSBResults3(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the results from 'CC_QUERY_USB3' command (max 24 cameras). """ _fields_ = [('camerasFound', ctypes.c_ushort), ('usbInfo', QueryUSBInfo * 24)]
# Camera type codes, returned by Query USB Info, Establish Link, Get CCD Info, etc. camera_types = {4: "ST7_CAMERA", 5: "ST8_CAMERA", 6: "ST5C_CAMERA", 7: "TCE_CONTROLLER", 8: "ST237_CAMERA", 9: "STK_CAMERA", 10: "ST9_CAMERA", 11: "STV_CAMERA", 12: "ST10_CAMERA", 13: "ST1K_CAMERA", 14: "ST2K_CAMERA", 15: "STL_CAMERA", 16: "ST402_CAMERA", 17: "STX_CAMERA", 18: "ST4K_CAMERA", 19: "STT_CAMERA", 20: "STI_CAMERA", 21: "STF_CAMERA", 22: "NEXT_CAMERA", 0xFFFF: "NO_CAMERA"} # Reverse dictionary camera_type_codes = {camera: code for code, camera in camera_types.items()} ################################################################################# # Open Device, Establish Link, Get Link status related ################################################################################# # Device types by code. Used with Open Device, etc. device_types = {0: "DEV_NONE", 1: "DEV_LPT1", 2: "DEV_LPT2", 3: "DEV_LPT3", 0x7F00: "DEV_USB", 0x7F01: "DEV_ETH", 0x7F02: "DEV_USB1", 0x7F03: "DEV_USB2", 0x7F04: "DEV_USB3", 0x7F05: "DEV_USB4", 0x7F06: "DEV_USB5", 0x7F07: "DEV_USB6", 0x7F08: "DEV_USB7", 0x7F09: "DEV_USB8", 0x7F0A: "DEV_USB9", 0x7F0B: "DEV_USB10", 0x7F0C: "DEV_USB11", 0x7F0D: "DEV_USB12", 0x7F0E: "DEV_USB13", 0x7F0F: "DEV_USB14", 0x7F10: "DEV_USB15", 0x7F11: "DEV_USB16", 0x7F12: "DEV_USB17", 0x7F13: "DEV_USB18", 0x7F14: "DEV_USB19", 0x7F15: "DEV_USB20", 0x7F16: "DEV_USB21", 0x7F17: "DEV_USB22", 0x7F18: "DEV_USB23", 0x7F19: "DEV_USB24"} # Reverse dictionary device_type_codes = {device: code for code, device in device_types.items()}
[docs] class OpenDeviceParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Open Device command. """ _fields_ = [('deviceType', ctypes.c_ushort), ('lptBaseAddress', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ipAddress', ctypes.c_ulong)]
[docs] class EstablishLinkParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Establish Link command. """ _fields_ = [('sbigUseOnly', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class EstablishLinkResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Establish Link command. """ _fields_ = [('cameraType', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class GetLinkStatusResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Get Link Status command. """ _fields_ = [('linkEstablished', ctypes.c_ushort), ('baseAddress', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cameraType', ctypes.c_ushort), ('comTotal', ctypes.c_ulong), ('comFailed', ctypes.c_ulong)]
################################################################################# # Get Driver Handle, Set Driver Handle related #################################################################################
[docs] class GetDriverHandleResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Get Driver Handle command. The handle is the camera ID used when switching control between connected cameras with the Set Driver Handle command. """ _fields_ = [('handle', ctypes.c_short)]
# Used to disconnect from a camera in order to get the handle for another # Had to google to find this value, it is NOT in sbigudrv.h or the # SBIG Universal Driver docs. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1
[docs] class SetDriverHandleParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameter for the Set Driver Handle command. """ _fields_ = [('handle', ctypes.c_short)]
################################################################################# # Temperature and cooling control related #################################################################################
[docs] class QueryTemperatureStatusParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the parameters for the Query Temperature Status command. """ _fields_ = [('request', ctypes.c_ushort)]
temp_status_requests = {0: 'TEMP_STATUS_STANDARD', 1: 'TEMP_STATUS_ADVANCED', 2: 'TEMP_STATUS_ADVANCED2'} temp_status_request_codes = {request: code for code, request in temp_status_requests.items()}
[docs] class QueryTemperatureStatusResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the results from the Query Temperature Status command (standard version). """ _fields_ = [('enabled', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ccdSetpoint', ctypes.c_ushort), ('power', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ccdThermistor', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ambientThermistor', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class QueryTemperatureStatusResults2(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the results from the Query Temperature Status command (extended version). """ _fields_ = [('coolingEnabled', ctypes.c_ushort), ('fanEnabled', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ccdSetpoint', ctypes.c_double), ('imagingCCDTemperature', ctypes.c_double), ('trackingCCDTemperature', ctypes.c_double), ('externalTrackingCCDTemperature', ctypes.c_double), ('ambientTemperature', ctypes.c_double), ('imagingCCDPower', ctypes.c_double), ('trackingCCDPower', ctypes.c_double), ('externalTrackingCCDPower', ctypes.c_double), ('heatsinkTemperature', ctypes.c_double), ('fanPower', ctypes.c_double), ('fanSpeed', ctypes.c_double), ('trackingCCDSetpoint', ctypes.c_double)]
temperature_regulations = {0: "REGULATION_OFF", 1: "REGULATION_ON", 2: "REGULATION_OVERRIDE", 3: "REGULATION_FREEZE", 4: "REGULATION_UNFREEZE", 5: "REGULATION_ENABLE_AUTOFREEZE", 6: "REGULATION_DISABLE_AUTOFREEZE"} temperature_regulation_codes = {regulation: code for code, regulation in temperature_regulations.items()}
[docs] class SetTemperatureRegulationParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the parameters for the Set Temperature Regulation command. """ _fields_ = [('regulation', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ccdSetpoint', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class SetTemperatureRegulationParams2(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the parameters for the Set Temperature Regulation 2 command. """ _fields_ = [('regulation', ctypes.c_ushort), ('ccdSetpoint', ctypes.c_double)]
################################################################################ # Get CCD Info related ################################################################################
[docs] class GetCCDInfoParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Get CCD Info command, used obtain the details & capabilities of the connected camera. """ _fields_ = [('request', ctypes.c_ushort)]
ccd_info_requests = {0: 'CCD_INFO_IMAGING', 1: 'CCD_INFO_TRACKING', 2: 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED', 3: 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED_5C', 4: 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED2_IMAGING', 5: 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED2_TRACKING', 6: 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED3'} ccd_info_request_codes = {request: code for code, request in ccd_info_requests.items()}
[docs] class ReadoutInfo(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to store details of an individual readout mode. An array of up to 20 of these will be returned as part of the GetCCDInfoResults0 struct when the Get CCD Info command is used with request 'CCD_INFO_IMAGING'. The gain field is a 4 digit Binary Coded Decimal (yes, really) of the form XX.XX, in units of electrons/ADU. The pixel_width and pixel_height fields are 6 digit Binary Coded Decimals for the form XXXXXX.XX in units of microns, helpfully supporting pixels up to 1 metre across. """ _fields_ = [('mode', ctypes.c_ushort), ('width', ctypes.c_ushort), ('height', ctypes.c_ushort), ('gain', ctypes.c_ushort), ('pixelWidth', ctypes.c_ulong), ('pixelHeight', ctypes.c_ulong)]
[docs] class GetCCDInfoResults0(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Get CCD Info command when used with requests 'CCD_INFO_IMAGING' or 'CCD_INFO_TRACKING'. The firmwareVersion field is 4 digit binary coded decimal of the form XX.XX. """ _fields_ = [('firmwareVersion', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cameraType', ctypes.c_ushort), ('name', ctypes.c_char * 64), ('readoutModes', ctypes.c_ushort), ('readoutInfo', ReadoutInfo * 20)]
[docs] class GetCCDInfoResults2(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Get CCD Info command when used with request 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED'. """ _fields_ = [('badColumns', ctypes.c_ushort), ('columns', ctypes.c_ushort * 4), ('imagingABG', ctypes.c_ushort), ('serialNumber', ctypes.c_char * 10)]
[docs] class GetCCDInfoResults4(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Get CCD Info command when used with requests 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED2_IMAGING' or 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED2_TRACKING'. The capabilitiesBits is a bitmap, yay. """ _fields_ = [('capabilities_b0', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('capabilities_b1', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('capabilities_b2', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('capabilities_b3', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('capabilities_b4', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('capabilities_b5', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('capabilities_unusued', ctypes.c_int, ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ushort) * 8 - 6), ('dumpExtra', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class GetCCDInfoResults6(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Get CCD Info command when used with the request 'CCD_INFO_EXTENDED3'. The sbigudrv.h C header says there should be three bitmask fields, each of type ulong, which would be 64 bits on this platform (OS X), BUT trial and error has determined they're actually 32 bits long. """ _fields_ = [('camera_b0', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('camera_b1', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('camera_unused', ctypes.c_int, 30), ('ccd_b0', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('ccd_b1', ctypes.c_int, 1), ('ccd_unused', ctypes.c_int, 30), ('extraBits', ctypes.c_int, 32)]
################################################################################# # Get Driver Control, Set Driver Control related ################################################################################# driver_control_params = {i: param for i, param in enumerate(('DCP_USB_FIFO_ENABLE', 'DCP_CALL_JOURNAL_ENABLE', 'DCP_IVTOH_RATIO', 'DCP_USB_FIFO_SIZE', 'DCP_USB_DRIVER', 'DCP_KAI_RELGAIN', 'DCP_USB_PIXEL_DL_ENABLE', 'DCP_HIGH_THROUGHPUT', 'DCP_VDD_OPTIMIZED', 'DCP_AUTO_AD_GAIN', 'DCP_NO_HCLKS_FOR_INTEGRATION', 'DCP_TDI_MODE_ENABLE', 'DCP_VERT_FLUSH_CONTROL_ENABLE', 'DCP_ETHERNET_PIPELINE_ENABLE', 'DCP_FAST_LINK', 'DCP_OVERSCAN_ROWSCOLS', 'DCP_PIXEL_PIPELINE_ENABLE', 'DCP_COLUMN_REPAIR_ENABLE', 'DCP_WARM_PIXEL_REPAIR_ENABLE', 'DCP_WARM_PIXEL_REPAIR_COUNT', 'DCP_TDI_MODE_DRIFT_RATE', 'DCP_OVERRIDE_AD_GAIN', 'DCP_ENABLE_AUTO_OFFSET', 'DCP_LAST'))} driver_control_codes = {param: code for code, param in driver_control_params.items()}
[docs] class GetDriverControlParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Get Driver Control command, used to query the value of a specific driver control parameter. """ _fields_ = [('controlParameter', ctypes.c_ushort), ]
[docs] class GetDriverControlResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the result from the Get Driver Control command, used to query the value of a specific driver control parameter """ _fields_ = [('controlValue', ctypes.c_ulong), ]
[docs] class SetDriverControlParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Set Driver Control command, used to set the value of a specific driver control parameter """ _fields_ = [('controlParameter', ctypes.c_ushort), ('controlValue', ctypes.c_ulong)]
################################################################################# # Start Exposure, Query Command Status, End Exposure related #################################################################################
[docs] class StartExposureParams2(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Start Exposure 2 command. (The Start Exposure command is deprecated.) """ _fields_ = [('ccd', ctypes.c_ushort), ('exposureTime', ctypes.c_ulong), ('abgState', ctypes.c_ushort), ('openShutter', ctypes.c_ushort), ('readoutMode', ctypes.c_ushort), ('top', ctypes.c_ushort), ('left', ctypes.c_ushort), ('height', ctypes.c_ushort), ('width', ctypes.c_ushort)]
# CCD selection for cameras with built in or connected tracking CCDs ccds = {0: 'CCD_IMAGING', 1: 'CCD_TRACKING', 2: 'CCD_EXT_TRACKING'} ccd_codes = {ccd: code for code, ccd in ccds.items()} # Anti-Blooming Gate states abg_states = {0: 'ABG_LOW7', 1: 'ABG_CLK_LOW7', 2: 'ABG_CLK_MED7', 3: 'ABG_CLK_HI7'} abg_state_codes = {abg: code for code, abg in abg_states.items()} # Shutter mode commands shutter_commands = {0: 'SC_LEAVE_SHUTTER', 1: 'SC_OPEN_SHUTTER', 2: 'SC_CLOSE_SHUTTER', 3: 'SC_INITIALIZE_SHUTTER', 4: 'SC_OPEN_EXP_SHUTTER', 5: 'SC_CLOSE_EXT_SHUTTER'} shutter_command_codes = {command: code for code, command in shutter_commands.items()} # Readout binning modes readout_modes = {0: 'RM_1X1', 1: 'RM_2X2', 2: 'RM_3X3', 3: 'RM_NX1', 4: 'RM_NX2', 5: 'RM_NX3', 6: 'RM_1X1_VOFFCHIP', 7: 'RM_2X2_VOFFCHIP', 8: 'RM_3X3_VOFFCHIP', 9: 'RM_9X9', 10: 'RM_NXN'} readout_mode_codes = {mode: code for code, mode in readout_modes.items()} # Command status codes and corresponding messages as returned by # Query Command Status statuses = {0: "CS_IDLE", 1: "CS_IN_PROGRESS", 2: "CS_INTEGRATING", 3: "CS_INTEGRATION_COMPLETE"} # Reverse dictionary status_codes = {status: code for code, status in statuses.items()}
[docs] class QueryCommandStatusParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Query Command Status command. """ _fields_ = [('command', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class QueryCommandStatusResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the results from the Query Command Status command. """ _fields_ = [('status', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class EndExposureParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the End Exposure command. """ _fields_ = [('ccd', ctypes.c_ushort)]
################################################################################# # Start Readout, Readout Line, End Readout related #################################################################################
[docs] class StartReadoutParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Start Readout command. """ _fields_ = [('ccd', ctypes.c_ushort), ('readoutMode', ctypes.c_ushort), ('top', ctypes.c_ushort), ('left', ctypes.c_ushort), ('height', ctypes.c_ushort), ('width', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class ReadoutLineParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the Readout Line command. """ _fields_ = [('ccd', ctypes.c_ushort), ('readoutMode', ctypes.c_ushort), ('pixelStart', ctypes.c_ushort), ('pixelLength', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class EndReadoutParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure to hold the parameters for the End Readout Params. """ _fields_ = [('ccd', ctypes.c_ushort)]
################################################################################# # Get Driver Info related ################################################################################# # Requests relevant to Get Driver Info command driver_requests = {0: "DRIVER_STD", 1: "DRIVER_EXTENDED", 2: "DRIVER_USB_LOADER"} # Reverse dictionary driver_request_codes = {request: code for code, request in driver_requests.items()}
[docs] class GetDriverInfoParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the parameters for the Get Driver Info command """ _fields_ = [('request', ctypes.c_ushort)]
[docs] class GetDriverInfoResults0(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the results from the Get Driver Info command """ _fields_ = [('version', ctypes.c_ushort), ('name', ctypes.c_char * 64), ('maxRequest', ctypes.c_ushort)]
################################################################################# # Filter wheel related #################################################################################
[docs] class CFWParams(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to hold the parameters for the CFW (colour filter wheel) command """ _fields_ = [('cfwModel', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cfwCommand', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cfwParam1', ctypes.c_ulong), ('cfwParam2', ctypes.c_ulong), ('outLength', ctypes.c_ushort), ('outPtr', ctypes.c_char_p), ('inLength', ctypes.c_ushort), ('inPtr', ctypes.c_char_p)]
[docs] class CFWResults(ctypes.Structure): """ ctypes Structure used to fold the results from the CFW (colour filer wheel) command """ _fields_ = [('cfwModel', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cfwPosition', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cfwStatus', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cfwError', ctypes.c_ushort), ('cfwResults1', ctypes.c_ulong), ('cfwResults2', ctypes.c_ulong)]
[docs] @enum.unique class CFWModelSelect(enum.IntEnum): """ Filter wheel model selection enum """ UNKNOWN = 0 CFW2 = CFW5 = CFW8 = CFWL = CFW402 = AUTO = CFW6A = CFW10 = CFW10_SERIAL = CFW9 = CFWL8 = CFWL8G = CFW1603 = FW5_STX = FW5_8300 = FW8_8300 = FW7_STX = FW8_STT = FW5_STF_DETENT =
[docs] @enum.unique class CFWCommand(enum.IntEnum): """ Filter wheel command enum """ QUERY = 0 GOTO = INIT = GET_INFO = OPEN_DEVICE = CLOSE_DEVICE =
[docs] @enum.unique class CFWStatus(enum.IntEnum): """ Filter wheel status enum """ UNKNOWN = 0 IDLE = BUSY =
[docs] @enum.unique class CFWError(enum.IntEnum): """ Filter wheel errors enum """ NONE = 0 BUSY = BAD_COMMAND = CAL_ERROR = MOTOR_TIMEOUT = BAD_MODEL = DEVICE_NOT_CLOSED = DEVICE_NOT_OPEN = I2C_ERROR =
[docs] @enum.unique class CFWGetInfoSelect(enum.IntEnum): """ Filter wheel get info select enum """ FIRMWARE_VERSION = 0 CAL_DATA = DATA_REGISTERS =