Source code for

import ctypes
import enum

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import AbstractSDKDriver
from panoptes.utils import error
from panoptes.utils.utils import get_quantity_value

# Main ASI Driver class.
# The methods of this class call the functions fron ASICamera2.h using the ctypes foreign function
# library. Based on v1.13.0930 of the ZWO ASI SDK.

[docs] class ASIDriver(AbstractSDKDriver): def __init__(self, library_path=None, **kwargs): """Main class representing the ZWO ASI library interface. On construction loads the shared object/dynamically linked version of the ASI SDK library, which must be already installed (see The name and location of the shared library can be manually specified with the library_path argument, otherwise the ctypes.util.find_library function will be used to try to locate it. Args: library_path (str, optional): path to the library e.g. '/usr/local/lib/' Returns: `` Raises: panoptes.utils.error.NotFound: raised if library_path not given & find_libary fails to locate the library. OSError: raises if the ctypes.CDLL loader cannot load the library. """ super().__init__(name='ASICamera2', library_path=library_path, **kwargs) self._product_ids = self.get_product_ids() # Supported camera models # Methods
[docs] def get_SDK_version(self): """ Get the version of the ZWO ASI SDK """ # First set return type for function to pointer to null terminated string self._CDLL.ASIGetSDKVersion.restype = ctypes.c_char_p version = self._CDLL.ASIGetSDKVersion().decode('ascii') # Get bytes so decode to str version = version.replace(', ', '.') # Format the version string properly return version
[docs] def get_devices(self): """Gets currently connected camera info. Returns: dict: All currently connected camera serial numbers with corresponding integer camera IDs. Notes: If a camera does not have a serial number it will attempt to fall back to string ID. Cameras with neither serial number nor string ID will be left out of the dictionary as they have no unique indentifier. """ n_cameras = self.get_num_of_connected_cameras() if n_cameras == 0: raise error.PanError("No ZWO ASI camera devices found") # Get the IDs cameras = {} for camera_index in range(n_cameras): info = self.get_camera_property(camera_index) camera_ID = info['camera_ID'] self.open_camera(camera_ID) try: serial_number = self.get_serial_number(camera_ID) except RuntimeError as err: # If at first you don't succeed, try, except, else, finally again. self.logger.warning(f"Error getting serial number: {err}") try: string_ID = self.get_ID(camera_ID) except RuntimeError as err: self.logger.warning(f"Error getting string ID: {err}") msg = f"Skipping ZWO ASI camera {camera_ID} with no serial number or string ID." self.logger.error(msg) break else: msg = f"Using string ID '{string_ID}' in place of serial number." self.logger.warning(msg) serial_number = string_ID finally: self.close_camera(camera_ID) cameras[serial_number] = camera_ID self.logger.debug(f"Got camera serial numbers: {list(cameras.keys())}") return cameras
[docs] def get_num_of_connected_cameras(self): """ Get the count of connected ASI cameras """ count = self._CDLL.ASIGetNumOfConnectedCameras() # Return type is int, needs no Pythonising self.logger.debug("Found {} connected ASI cameras".format(count)) return count
[docs] def get_product_ids(self): """Get product IDs of cameras supported by the SDK.""" n_pids = self._CDLL.ASIGetProductIDs(0) # Call once to get number of product IDs if n_pids > 0: # Make array of C ints of required size. product_ids = (ctypes.c_int * n_pids)() # Call again to get product IDs. Should get same n_pids as before. assert n_pids == self._CDLL.ASIGetProductIDs(ctypes.byref(product_ids)) else: self.logger.error("Error getting supported camera product IDs from SDK.") raise RuntimeError("ZWO SDK support 0 SDK products?") self.logger.debug("Got {} supported camera product IDs from SDK.".format(n_pids)) return list(product_ids)
[docs] def get_camera_property(self, camera_index): """ Get properties of the camera with given index """ camera_info = CameraInfo() error_code = self._CDLL.ASIGetCameraProperty(ctypes.byref(camera_info), camera_index) if error_code != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: msg = "Error calling ASIGetCameraProperty: {}".format(ErrorCode(error_code).name) self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) pythonic_info = self._parse_info(camera_info) self.logger.debug("Got info from camera {camera_ID}, {name}".format(**pythonic_info)) return pythonic_info
[docs] def get_camera_property_by_id(self, camera_ID): """Get properties of the camera with a given integer ID.""" camera_info = CameraInfo() self._call_function('ASIGetCameraPropertyByID', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(camera_info)) pythonic_info = self._parse_info(camera_info) self.logger.debug("Got info from camera {camera_ID}, {name}".format(**pythonic_info)) return pythonic_info
[docs] def open_camera(self, camera_ID): """ Open camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASIOpenCamera', camera_ID) self.logger.debug("Opened camera {}".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def init_camera(self, camera_ID): """ Initialise camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASIInitCamera', camera_ID) self.logger.debug("Initialised camera {}".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def close_camera(self, camera_ID): """ Close camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASICloseCamera', camera_ID) self.logger.debug("Closed camera {}".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def get_ID(self, camera_ID): """Get string ID from firmaware for the camera with given integer ID The saved ID is an array of 8 unsigned chars for some reason. """ struct_ID = ID() self._call_function('ASIGetID', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(struct_ID)) bytes_ID = bytes( string_ID = bytes_ID.decode() self.logger.debug("Got string ID '{}' from camera {}".format(string_ID, camera_ID)) return string_ID
[docs] def set_ID(self, camera_ID, string_ID): """Save string ID to firmware of camera with given integer ID The saved ID is an array of 8 unsigned chars for some reason. To preserve some sanity this method takes an 8 byte UTF-8 string as input. """ bytes_ID = string_ID.encode() # Convert string to bytes if len(bytes_ID) > 8: bytes_ID = bytes_ID[:8] # This may chop out part of a UTF-8 multibyte character self.logger.warning("New ID longer than 8 bytes, truncating {} to {}".format( string_ID, bytes_ID.decode())) else: bytes_ID = bytes_ID.ljust(8) # Pad to 8 bytes with spaces, if necessary uchar_ID = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 8).from_buffer_copy(bytes_ID) self._call_function('ASISetID', camera_ID, ID(uchar_ID)) self.logger.debug("Set camera {} string ID to '{}'".format(camera_ID, bytes_ID.decode()))
[docs] def get_num_of_controls(self, camera_ID): """ Gets the number of control types supported by the camera with given integer ID """ n_controls = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetNumOfControls', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(n_controls)) n_controls = n_controls.value # Convert from ctypes c_int type to Python int self.logger.debug("Camera {} has {} controls".format(camera_ID, n_controls)) return n_controls
[docs] def get_control_caps(self, camera_ID): """ Gets the details of all the controls supported by the camera with given integer ID """ n_controls = self.get_num_of_controls(camera_ID) # First get number of controls controls = {} for i in range(n_controls): control_caps = ControlCaps() self._call_function('ASIGetControlCaps', camera_ID, ctypes.c_int(i), ctypes.byref(control_caps)) control = self._parse_caps(control_caps) controls[control['control_type']] = control self.logger.debug("Got details of {} controls from camera {}".format(n_controls, camera_ID)) return controls
[docs] def get_control_value(self, camera_ID, control_type): """ Gets the value of the control control_type from camera with given integer ID """ value = ctypes.c_long() is_auto = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetControlValue', camera_ID, ControlType[control_type], ctypes.byref(value), ctypes.byref(is_auto)) nice_value = self._parse_return_value(value, control_type) return nice_value, bool(is_auto)
[docs] def set_control_value(self, camera_ID, control_type, value): """ Sets the value of the control control_type on camera with given integet ID """ if value == 'AUTO': # Apparently need to pass current value when turning auto on auto = True value = self.get_control_value(camera_ID, control_type)[0] else: auto = False self._call_function('ASISetControlValue', camera_ID, ctypes.c_int(ControlType[control_type]), self._parse_input_value(value, control_type), ctypes.c_int(auto)) self.logger.debug("Set {} to {} on camera {}".format(control_type, 'AUTO' if auto else value, camera_ID))
[docs] def get_roi_format(self, camera_ID): """ Get the ROI size and image format setting for camera with given integer ID """ width = ctypes.c_int() height = ctypes.c_int() binning = ctypes.c_int() image_type = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetROIFormat', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(width), ctypes.byref(height), ctypes.byref(binning), ctypes.byref(image_type)) roi_format = {'width': width.value * u.pixel, 'height': height.value * u.pixel, 'binning': binning.value, 'image_type': ImgType(image_type.value).name} return roi_format
[docs] def set_roi_format(self, camera_ID, width, height, binning, image_type): """ Set the ROI size and image format settings for the camera with given integer ID """ width = int(get_quantity_value(width, unit=u.pixel)) height = int(get_quantity_value(height, unit=u.pixel)) binning = int(binning) self._call_function('ASISetROIFormat', camera_ID, ctypes.c_int(width), ctypes.c_int(height), ctypes.c_int(binning), ctypes.c_int(ImgType[image_type])) self.logger.debug("Set ROI, format on camera {} to {}x{}/{}, {}".format( camera_ID, width, height, binning, image_type))
[docs] def get_start_position(self, camera_ID): """ Get position of the upper left corner of the ROI for camera with given integer ID Args: camera_ID (int): integer ID of the camera Returns: (astropy.units.Quantity, astropy.units.Quantity): x, y coordinates of the upper left corner of the ROI. Note, these are in binned pixels. """ start_x = ctypes.c_int() start_y = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetStartPos', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(start_x), ctypes.byref(start_y)) start_x = start_x.value * u.pixel start_y = start_y.value * u.pixel return start_x, start_y
[docs] def set_start_position(self, camera_ID, start_x, start_y): """ Set position of the upper left corner of the ROI for camera with given integer ID """ start_x = int(get_quantity_value(start_x, unit=u.pixel)) start_y = int(get_quantity_value(start_y, unit=u.pixel)) self._call_function('ASISetStartPos', camera_ID, ctypes.c_int(start_x), ctypes.c_int(start_y)) self.logger.debug("Set ROI start position of camera {} to ({}, {})".format( camera_ID, start_x, start_y))
[docs] def get_dropped_frames(self, camera_ID): """Get the number of dropped frames during video capture.""" n_dropped_frames = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetDroppedFrames', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(n_dropped_frames)) self.logger_debug("Camera {} has dropped {} frames.".format(camera_ID, n_dropped_frames)) return n_dropped_frames
[docs] def enable_dark_subtract(self, camera_ID, dark_file_path): """Enable dark subtraction (not implemented). You almost certainly wouldn't want to use this as it only works with images taken in RGB8 format and only with dark frames saved as .BMP files. Far better to do dark subtraction in post-processing. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def disable_dark_subtract(self, camera_ID): """Disable dark subtraction. May need to call this as dark current subtraction settings persist in the registry on Windows. """ self._call_function('ASIDisableDarkSubtract', camera_ID) self.logger.debug("Dark subtraction on camera {} disabled.".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def pulse_guide_on(self, camera_ID, direction): """Turn on PulseGuide on ST4 port of given camera in given direction.""" self._call_function('ASIPulseGuideOn', camera_ID, GuideDirection[direction]) dname = GuideDirection[direction].name msg = f"PulseGuide on camera {camera_ID} on in direction {dname}." self.logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def pulse_guide_off(self, camera_ID, direction): """Turn off PulseGuide on ST4 port of given camera in given direction.""" self._call_function('ASIPulseGuideOff', camera_ID, GuideDirection[direction]) dname = GuideDirection[direction].name msg = f"PulseGuide on camera {camera_ID} off in direction {dname}." self.logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def get_gain_offset(self, camera_ID): """Get pre-setting parameters.""" offset_highest_dr = ctypes.c_int() offset_unity_gain = ctypes.c_int() gain_lowest_rn = ctypes.c_int() offset_lowest_rn = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetGainOffset', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(offset_highest_dr), ctypes.byref(offset_unity_gain), ctypes.byref(gain_lowest_rn), ctypes.byref(offset_lowest_rn)) self.logger.debug('Got pre-setting parameters from camera {}.'.format(camera_ID)) return offset_highest_dr, offset_unity_gain, gain_lowest_rn, offset_lowest_rn
[docs] def get_camera_supported_mode(self, camera_ID): """Get supported trigger modes for camera with given integer ID.""" modes_struct = SupportedMode() self._call_function('ASIGetCameraSupportMode', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(modes_struct.modes)) supported_modes = [] for mode_int in modes_struct.modes: if mode_int == CameraMode.END: break supported_modes.append(CameraMode(mode_int).name) self.logger.debug("Got supported modes {} for camera {}".format(supported_modes, camera_ID)) return supported_modes
[docs] def get_camera_mode(self, camera_ID): """Get current trigger mode for camera with given integer ID.""" mode = self._call_function('ASIGetCameraMode', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(mode)) mode_name = CameraMode(mode).name self.logger.debug('Camera {} is in trigger mode {}'.format(camera_ID, mode_name)) return mode_name
[docs] def set_camera_mode(self, camera_ID, mode_name): """Set trigger mode for camera with given integer ID.""" mode = CameraMode[mode_name] self._call_function('ASISetCameraMode', camera_ID, mode) self.logger.debug('Set trigger mode of camera {} to {}.'.format(camera_ID, mode_name))
[docs] def send_soft_trigger(self, camera_ID, start_stop_signal): """Send out a soft trigger on camera with given integer ID.""" self._call_function('ASISendSoftTrigger', camera_ID, int(bool(start_stop_signal))) self.logger.debug('Soft trigger sent to camera {}.'.format(camera_ID))
[docs] def get_serial_number(self, camera_ID): """Get serial number of the camera with given integer ID. The serial number is an array of 8 unsigned chars, the same as string ID, but it is interpreted differently. It is displayed in ASICAP as a 16 digit hexadecimal number, so we will convert it the same 16 character string representation. """ struct_SN = ID() # Same structure as string ID. self._call_function('ASIGetSerialNumber', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(struct_SN)) bytes_SN = bytes( serial_number = "".join(f"{b:02x}" for b in bytes_SN) self.logger.debug("Got serial number '{}' from camera {}".format(serial_number, camera_ID)) return serial_number
[docs] def get_trigger_output_io_conf(self, camera_ID): """Get external trigger configuration of the camera with given integer ID.""" pin = ctypes.c_int() pin_high = ctypes.c_int() delay = ctypes.c_long() duration = ctypes.c_long() self._call_function('ASIGetTriggerOutputIOConf', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(pin), ctypes.bytef(pin_high), ctypes.byref(delay), ctypes.byref(duration)) self.logger.debug("Got trigger config from camera {}".format(camera_ID)) return TrigOutput(pin).name, bool(pin_high), int(delay), int(duration)
[docs] def set_trigger_ouput_io_conf(self, camera_ID, pin, pin_high, delay, duration): """Set external trigger configuration of the camera with given integer ID.""" self._call_function('ASISetTriggerOutputIOConf', camera_ID, TrigOutput[pin], ctypes.c_int(pin_high), ctypes.c_long(delay), ctypes.c_long(duration)) self.logger.debug("Set trigger config of camera {}".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def start_exposure(self, camera_ID): """ Start exposure on the camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASIStartExposure', camera_ID) self.logger.debug("Exposure started on camera {}".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def stop_exposure(self, camera_ID): """ Cancel current exposure on camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASIStopExposure', camera_ID) self.logger.debug("Exposure on camera {} cancelled".format(camera_ID))
[docs] def get_exposure_status(self, camera_ID): """ Get status of current exposure on camera with given integer ID """ status = ctypes.c_int() self._call_function('ASIGetExpStatus', camera_ID, ctypes.byref(status)) return ExposureStatus(status.value).name
[docs] def get_exposure_data(self, camera_ID, width, height, image_type): """ Get image data from exposure on camera with given integer ID """ exposure_data = self._image_array(width, height, image_type) self._call_function('ASIGetDataAfterExp', camera_ID, exposure_data.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte)), ctypes.c_long(exposure_data.nbytes)) self.logger.debug("Got exposure data from camera {}".format(camera_ID)) return exposure_data
[docs] def start_video_capture(self, camera_ID): """ Start video capture mode on camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASIStartVideoCapture', camera_ID)
[docs] def stop_video_capture(self, camera_ID): """ Stop video capture mode on camera with given integer ID """ self._call_function('ASIStopVideoCapture', camera_ID)
[docs] def get_video_data(self, camera_ID, width, height, image_type, timeout): """ Get the image data from the next available video frame """ video_data = self._image_array(width, height, image_type) timeout = int(get_quantity_value(timeout, try: self._call_function('ASIGetVideoData', camera_ID, video_data.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_byte)), ctypes.c_long(video_data.nbytes), ctypes.c_int(-1)) # If set timeout to anything but -1 (no timeout) this call times out instantly? except RuntimeError: # Expect some dropped frames during video capture return None else: return video_data
# Private methods def _call_function(self, function_name, camera_ID, *args): """ Utility function for calling the SDK functions that return ErrorCode """ function = getattr(self._CDLL, function_name) try: error_code = function(ctypes.c_int(camera_ID), *args) if error_code != ErrorCode.SUCCESS: msg = f'Error calling {function_name}: {ErrorCode(error_code).name}' self.logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'Error closing camera {self}: {e}') raise def _parse_info(self, camera_info): """ Utility function to parse CameraInfo Structures into something more Pythonic """ pythonic_info = {'name':, 'camera_ID': int(camera_info.camera_ID), 'max_height': camera_info.max_height * u.pixel, 'max_width': camera_info.max_width * u.pixel, 'is_color_camera': bool(camera_info.is_color_camera), 'bayer_pattern': BayerPattern(camera_info.bayer_pattern).name, 'supported_bins': self._parse_bins(camera_info.supported_bins), 'supported_video_format': self._parse_formats( camera_info.supported_video_format), 'pixel_size': camera_info.pixel_size *, 'has_mechanical_shutter': bool(camera_info.has_mechanical_shutter), 'has_ST4_port': bool(camera_info.has_ST4_port), 'has_cooler': bool(camera_info.has_cooler), 'is_USB3_host': bool(camera_info.is_USB3_host), 'is_USB3_camera': bool(camera_info.is_USB3_camera), 'e_per_adu': camera_info.e_per_adu * u.electron / u.adu, 'bit_depth': camera_info.bit_depth * u.bit, 'is_trigger_camera': bool(camera_info.is_trigger_camera)} return pythonic_info def _parse_bins(self, supported_bins): bins = tuple(int(b) for b in supported_bins if b != 0) return bins def _parse_formats(self, supported_formats): formats = [] for supported_format in supported_formats: format = ImgType(supported_format) if format != ImgType.END: formats.append( else: break return tuple(formats) def _parse_caps(self, control_caps): """ Utility function to parse ControlCaps Structures into something more Pythonic """ control_type = ControlType(control_caps.control_type).name control_info = {'name':, 'description': control_caps.description.decode(), 'max_value': self._parse_return_value(control_caps.max_value, control_type), 'min_value': self._parse_return_value(control_caps.min_value, control_type), 'default_value': self._parse_return_value(control_caps.default_value, control_type), 'is_auto_supported': bool(control_caps.is_auto_supported), 'is_writable': bool(control_caps.is_writable), 'control_type': control_type} return control_info def _parse_return_value(self, value, control_type): """ Helper function to apply appropiate type conversion and/or units to value """ try: int_value = value.value # If not done already extract Python int from ctypes.c_long except AttributeError: int_value = value # If from a ctypes struct value will already be a Python int # Apply control type specific units and/or data types if control_type in units_and_scale: nice_value = int_value * units_and_scale[control_type] elif control_type in boolean_controls: nice_value = bool(int_value) elif control_type == 'FLIP': nice_value = FlipStatus(int_value).name else: nice_value = int_value return nice_value def _parse_input_value(self, value, control_type): """ Helper function to convert input values to appropriate ctypes.c_long """ if control_type in units_and_scale: value = get_quantity_value(value, unit=units_and_scale[control_type]) elif control_type == 'FLIP': value = FlipStatus[value] return ctypes.c_long(int(value)) def _image_array(self, width, height, image_type): """ Creates a suitable numpy array for storing image data """ width = int(get_quantity_value(width, unit=u.pixel)) height = int(get_quantity_value(height, unit=u.pixel)) if image_type in ('RAW8', 'Y8'): image_array = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8, order='C') elif image_type == 'RAW16': image_array = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint16, order='C') elif image_type == 'RGB24': image_array = np.zeros((3, height, width), dtype=np.uint8, order='C') return image_array
units_and_scale = {'AUTO_TARGET_BRIGHTNESS': u.adu, 'AUTO_MAX_EXP': 1e-6 * u.second, # Unit is microseconds 'BANDWIDTHOVERLOAD': u.percent, 'COOLER_POWER_PERC': u.percent, 'EXPOSURE': 1e-6 * u.second, # Unit is microseconds 'OFFSET': u.adu, 'TARGET_TEMP': u.Celsius, 'TEMPERATURE': 0.1 * u.Celsius} # Unit is 1/10th degree C boolean_controls = ('ANTI_DEW_HEATER', 'COOLER_ON', 'FAN_ON', 'HARDWARE_BIN', 'HIGH_SPEED_MODE', 'MONO_BIN', 'PATTERN_ADJUST') #################################################################################################### # # The C defines, enums and structs from ASICamera2.h translated to Python constants, enums and # ctypes.Structures. Based on v1.13.0930 of the ZWO ASI SDK. # #################################################################################################### ID_MAX = 128 # Maximum value for camera integer ID (camera_ID)
[docs] @enum.unique class BayerPattern(enum.IntEnum): """ Bayer filter type """ RG = 0 BG = GR = GB =
[docs] @enum.unique class ImgType(enum.IntEnum): """ Supported video format """ RAW8 = 0 RGB24 = RAW16 = Y8 = END = -1
[docs] @enum.unique class GuideDirection(enum.IntEnum): """ Guider direction """ NORTH = 0 SOUTH = EAST = WEST =
[docs] @enum.unique class FlipStatus(enum.IntEnum): """ Flip status """ NONE = 0 HORIZ = VERT = BOTH =
[docs] @enum.unique class CameraMode(enum.IntEnum): """ Camera status """ NORMAL = 0 TRIG_SOFT_EDGE = TRIG_RISE_EDGE = TRIG_FALL_EDGE = TRIG_SOFT_LEVEL = TRIG_HIGH_LEVEL = TRIG_LOW_LEVEL = END = -1
[docs] @enum.unique class TrigOutput(enum.IntEnum): """External trigger output.""" PINA = 0 # Only Pin A output PINB = # Only Pin B outoput NONE = -1
[docs] @enum.unique class ErrorCode(enum.IntEnum): """ Error codes """ SUCCESS = 0 INVALID_INDEX = # No camera connected or index value out of boundary INVALID_ID = INVALID_CONTROL_TYPE = CAMERA_CLOSED = # Camera didn't open CAMERA_REMOVED = # Failed to fine the camera, maybe it was removed INVALID_PATH = # Cannot find the path of the file INVALID_FILEFORMAT = INVALID_SIZE = # Wrong video format size INVALID_IMGTYPE = # Unsupported image format OUTOF_BOUNDARY = # The startpos is out of boundary TIMEOUT = INVALID_SEQUENCE = # Stop capture first BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = VIDEO_MODE_ACTIVE = EXPOSURE_IN_PROGRESS = GENERAL_ERROR = # General error, e.g. value is out of valid range INVALID_MODE = # The current mode is wrong END =
[docs] class CameraInfo(ctypes.Structure): """ Camera info structure """ _fields_ = [('name', ctypes.c_char * 64), ('camera_ID', ctypes.c_int), ('max_height', ctypes.c_long), ('max_width', ctypes.c_long), ('is_color_camera', ctypes.c_int), ('bayer_pattern', ctypes.c_int), ('supported_bins', ctypes.c_int * 16), # e.g. (1,2,4,8,0,...) means 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x ('supported_video_format', ctypes.c_int * 8), # ImgTypes, terminates with END ('pixel_size', ctypes.c_double), # in microns ('has_mechanical_shutter', ctypes.c_int), ('has_ST4_port', ctypes.c_int), ('has_cooler', ctypes.c_int), ('is_USB3_host', ctypes.c_int), ('is_USB3_camera', ctypes.c_int), ('e_per_adu', ctypes.c_float), ('bit_depth', ctypes.c_int), ('is_trigger_camera', ctypes.c_int), ('unused', ctypes.c_char * 16)]
[docs] class ControlCaps(ctypes.Structure): """ Structure for caps (limits) on allowable parameter values for each camera control """ _fields_ = [('name', ctypes.c_char * 64), # The name of the control, .e.g. Exposure, Gain ('description', ctypes.c_char * 128), # Description of the command ('max_value', ctypes.c_long), ('min_value', ctypes.c_long), ('default_value', ctypes.c_long), ('is_auto_supported', ctypes.c_int), ('is_writable', ctypes.c_int), # Some can be read only, e.g. temperature ('control_type', ctypes.c_int), # ControlType used to get/set value ('unused', ctypes.c_char * 32)]
[docs] class ExposureStatus(enum.IntEnum): """ Exposure status codes """ IDLE = 0 WORKING = SUCCESS = FAILED =
[docs] class ID(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('id', ctypes.c_ubyte * 8)]
[docs] class SupportedMode(ctypes.Structure): """ Array of supported CameraModes, terminated with CameraMode.END """ _fields_ = [('modes', ctypes.c_int * 16)]