import copy
import os
import threading
import time
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from panoptes.utils import error
from panoptes.utils.images.misc import crop_data
from panoptes.utils.library import load_module
from panoptes.utils.time import CountdownTimer
from panoptes.utils.time import current_time
from panoptes.utils.utils import get_quantity_value
from panoptes.utils.images import fits as fits_utils
from panoptes.pocs.base import PanBase
from panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.base import Exposure, Observation
class AbstractCamera(PanBase, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base class for all cameras.
filter_type (str): Type of filter attached to camera. If a filterwheel is present this
will return the filterwheel.current_filter property, otherwise it will return the
value of the filter_type keyword argument, or if that argument was not given it
it will query the camera driver, e.g. 'M' for unfiltered monochrome camera,
'RGGB' for Bayer matrix colour camera.
focuser (`panoptes.pocs.focuser.AbstractFocuser`|None): Focuser for the camera, default
filter_wheel (`panoptes.pocs.filterwheel.AbstractFilterWheel`|None): Filter wheel for the
camera, default None.
uid (str): Unique identifier of the camera.
is_primary (bool): If this camera is the primary camera for the system, default False.
model (str): The model of camera, such as 'gphoto2', 'sbig', etc. Default 'simulator'.
name (str): Name of the camera, default 'Generic Camera'.
port (str): The port the camera is connected to, typically a usb device, default None.
temperature (astropy.units.Quantity): Current temperature of the image sensor.
target_temperature (astropy.units.Quantity): image sensor cooling target temperature.
temperature_tolerance (astropy.units.Quantity): tolerance for image sensor temperature.
cooling_enabled (bool): True if image sensor cooling is active.
cooling_power (astropy.unit.Quantity): Current image sensor cooling power level in percent.
egain (astropy.units.Quantity): Image sensor gain in e-/ADU as reported by the camera.
gain (int): The gain setting of the camera (ZWO cameras only).
bitdepth (astropy.units.Quantity): ADC bit depth in bits.
image_type (str): Image format of the camera, e.g. 'RAW16', 'RGB24' (ZWO cameras only).
timeout (astropy.units.Quantity): max time to wait after exposure before TimeoutError.
readout_time (float): approximate time to readout the camera after an exposure.
file_extension (str): file extension used by the camera's image data, e.g. 'fits'
library_path (str): path to camera library, e.g. '/usr/local/lib/' (SBIG, FLI, ZWO)
properties (dict): A collection of camera properties as read from the camera.
is_connected (bool): True if camera is connected.
is_cooled_camera (bool): True if camera has image sensor cooling capability.
is_temperature_stable (bool): True if image sensor temperature is stable.
is_exposing (bool): True if an exposure is currently under way, otherwise False.
is_ready (bool): True if the camera is ready to take an exposure.
can_take_internal_darks (bool): True if the camera can take internal dark exposures.
The port parameter is not used by SBIG or ZWO cameras, and is deprecated for FLI cameras.
For these cameras serial_number should be passed to the constructor instead. For SBIG and
FLI this should simply be the serial number engraved on the camera case, whereas for
ZWO cameras this should be the 8 character ID string previously saved to the camera
firmware. This can be done using ASICAP,
or ``.
# attribute: full qualified namespace for base class.
'focuser': 'panoptes.pocs.focuser.focuser.AbstractFocuser',
'filterwheel': 'panoptes.pocs.filterwheel.filterwheel.AbstractFilterWheel',
def __init__(self,
name='Generic Camera',
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.model = model
self.port = port = name
self.is_primary = primary
self.filterwheel = None
self._filter_type = kwargs.get('filter_type', 'RGGB')
self._serial_number = kwargs.get('serial_number', 'XXXXXX')
self._readout_time = get_quantity_value(kwargs.get('readout_time', 5.0), unit=u.second)
self._file_extension = kwargs.get('file_extension', 'fits')
self.timeout = get_quantity_value(kwargs.get('timeout', 10), unit=u.second)
# Default is uncooled camera. Should be set to True if appropriate in camera connect()
# method, based on info received from camera.
self._is_cooled_camera = False
self._cooling_enabled = False
self._is_temperature_stable = False
self._temperature_thread = None
self.temperature_tolerance = kwargs.get('temperature_tolerance', 0.5 * u.Celsius)
self._cooling_required_table_time = None
self._cooling_sleep_delay = None
self._cooling_timeout = None
self._connected = False
self._current_observation = None
self._is_exposing_event = threading.Event()
self._is_observing_event = threading.Event()
self._readout_complete = False
self._exposure_error = None
# By default assume camera isn't capable of internal darks.
self._internal_darks = kwargs.get('internal_darks', False)
# Set up any subcomponents.
self.subcomponents = dict()
for attr_name, class_path in self._SUBCOMPONENT_LIST.items():
# Create the subcomponent as an attribute with default None.
self.logger.debug(f'Setting default attr_name={attr_name!r} to None')
setattr(self, attr_name, None)
# If given subcomponent class (or dict), try to create instance.
subcomponent = kwargs.get(attr_name)
if subcomponent is not None:
self.logger.debug(f'Found subcomponent={subcomponent!r}, creating instance')
subcomponent = self._create_subcomponent(class_path, subcomponent)
f'Assigning subcomponent={subcomponent!r} to attr_name={attr_name!r}')
setattr(self, attr_name, subcomponent)
# Keep a list of active subcomponents
self.subcomponents[attr_name] = subcomponent
# Apply the initial focus offset
# This is required so that the focuser initial position corresponds to focus_offset=0
if self.has_focuser and self.has_filterwheel:
current_filter = self.filterwheel.current_filter
focus_offset = self.filterwheel.focus_offsets.get(current_filter, 0)
self.logger.debug(f"Initial focus offset for {current_filter} filter: {focus_offset}")
if focus_offset:
self.logger.debug(f'Camera created: {self}')
# Properties
def uid(self):
"""Return unique identifier for camera. """
return self._serial_number
def is_connected(self):
""" Is the camera available vai gphoto2 """
return self._connected
def readout_time(self):
""" Readout time for the camera in seconds """
return self._readout_time
def file_extension(self):
""" File extension for images saved by camera """
return self._file_extension
def egain(self):
"""Image sensor gain in e-/ADU as reported by the camera."""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def bit_depth(self):
"""ADC bit depth."""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def temperature(self):
Get current temperature of the camera's image sensor.
Note: this only needs to be implemented for cameras which can provided this information,
e.g. those with cooled image sensors.
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def target_temperature(self):
Get current value of the target temperature for the camera's image sensor cooling control.
Note: this only needs to be implemented for cameras which have cooled image sensors,
not for those that don't (e.g. DSLRs).
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def target_temperature(self, target):
Set value of the CCD set point, the target temperature for the camera's image sensor
cooling control.
Note: this only needs to be implemented for cameras which have cooled image sensors,
not for those that don't (e.g. DSLRs).
if not isinstance(target, u.Quantity):
target = target * u.Celsius
self.logger.debug(f"Setting {self} cooling set point to {target}.")
def temperature_tolerance(self):
Get current value of the image sensor temperature tolerance.
If the image sensor temperature differs from the target temperature by more than the
temperature tolerance then the temperature is not considered stable (by
is_temperature_stable) and, for cooled cameras, is_ready will report False.
return self._temperature_tolerance
def temperature_tolerance(self, temperature_tolerance):
""" Set the value of the image sensor temperature tolerance. """
if not isinstance(temperature_tolerance, u.Quantity):
temperature_tolerance = temperature_tolerance * u.Celsius
self._temperature_tolerance = temperature_tolerance
def cooling_enabled(self):
Get current status of the camera's image sensor cooling system (enabled/disabled).
Note: this only needs to be implemented for cameras which have cooled image sensors,
not for those that don't (e.g. DSLRs).
return False
def cooling_enabled(self, enable):
Set status of the camera's image sensor cooling system (enabled/disabled).
Note: this only needs to be implemented for cameras which have cooled image sensors,
and allow cooling to be enabled/disabled (e.g. SBIG cameras).
self.logger.debug(f"Setting {} cooling enabled to {enable}")
def cooling_power(self):
Get current power level of the camera's image sensor cooling system (typically as
a percentage of the maximum).
Note: this only needs to be implemented for cameras which have cooled image sensors,
not for those that don't (e.g. DSLRs).
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def filter_type(self):
""" Image sensor filter type (e.g. 'RGGB') or name of the current filter (e.g. 'g2_3') """
if self.has_filterwheel:
return self.filterwheel.current_filter
return self._filter_type
def is_cooled_camera(self):
""" True if camera has image sensor cooling capability """
return self._is_cooled_camera
def is_cooled_camera(self, value):
""" Set whether camera has image sensor cooling capability """
self._is_cooled_camera = bool(value)
def is_temperature_stable(self):
""" True if image sensor temperature is stable, False if not.
See also: See `temperature_tolerance` for more information about the temperature stability.
An uncooled camera, or cooled camera with cooling disabled, will always return False.
if self.is_cooled_camera and self.cooling_enabled:
# Temperature must be within tolerance
temp_difference = abs(self.temperature - self.target_temperature)
at_target_temp = temp_difference <= self.temperature_tolerance
# Camera cooling power must not be 100%
cooling_at_maximum = get_quantity_value(self.cooling_power, u.percent) == 100
temp_is_stable = at_target_temp and not cooling_at_maximum
if not temp_is_stable:
self.logger.warning(f'Unstable CCD temperature in {self}.')
self.logger.debug(f'Cooling power={self.cooling_power:.02f} '
f'Temperature={self.temperature:.02f} '
f'Target temp={self.target_temperature:.02f} '
f'Temp tol={self.temperature_tolerance:.02f} '
f"Temp diff={temp_difference:.02f} "
f"At target={at_target_temp} "
f"At max cooling={cooling_at_maximum} "
f"Temperature is stable={temp_is_stable}")
return temp_is_stable
return False
def is_exposing(self):
""" True if an exposure is currently under way, otherwise False. """
return self._is_exposing_event.is_set()
def is_observing(self):
""" True if an observation is currently under, otherwise False. """
return self._is_observing_event.is_set()
def waiting_for_readout(self):
"""True if the most recent readout has not finished. Should be set in `write_fits`"""
return self._readout_complete is False
def readiness(self):
""" Dictionary detailing the readiness of the camera system to take an exposure. """
current_readiness = {}
# For cooled camera expect stable temperature before taking exposure
if self.is_cooled_camera:
current_readiness['temperature_stable'] = self.is_temperature_stable
# Check all the subcomponents too, e.g. make sure filterwheel/focuser aren't moving.
for sub_name, subcomponent in self.subcomponents.items():
current_readiness[sub_name] = subcomponent.is_ready
# Make sure there isn't an exposure already in progress.
current_readiness['not_exposing'] = not self.is_exposing
return current_readiness
def is_ready(self):
""" True if camera is ready to start another exposure, otherwise False. """
current_readiness = self.readiness
# For cooled camera expect stable temperature before taking exposure
if not current_readiness.get('temperature_stable', True):
self.logger.warning(f"Camera {self} not ready: unstable temperature.")
# Check all the subcomponents too, e.g. make sure filterwheel/focuser aren't moving.
for sub_name, subcomponent in self.subcomponents.items():
if not current_readiness.get(sub_name, True):
self.logger.warning(f"Camera {self} not ready: {sub_name} not ready.")
# Make sure there isn't an exposure already in progress.
if not current_readiness.get('not_exposing', True):
self.logger.warning(f"Camera {self} not ready: exposure already in progress.")
return all(current_readiness.values())
def can_take_internal_darks(self):
""" True if the camera can take internal dark exposures.
This will be true of cameras that have an internal mechanical shutter and can
be commanded to keep that shutter closed during the exposure. For cameras that
either lack a mechanical shutter or lack the option to keep it closed light must
be kept out of the camera during dark exposures by other means, e.g. an opaque
blank in a filterwheel, a lens cap, etc.
return self._internal_darks
def exposure_error(self):
""" Error message from the most recent exposure or None, if there was no error."""
return self._exposure_error
def has_focuser(self):
""" Return True if the camera has a focuser, False if not. """
return self.focuser is not None
def has_filterwheel(self):
""" Return True if the camera has a filterwheel, False if not. """
return self.filterwheel is not None
# Methods
def connect(self):
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def take_observation(self, observation, headers=None, filename=None, blocking=False,
**kwargs) -> dict:
"""Take an observation
Gathers various header information, sets the file path, and calls
`take_exposure`. Also creates a `threading.Event` object and a
`threading.Thread` object. The Thread calls `process_exposure`
after the exposure had completed and the Event is set once
`process_exposure` finishes.
observation (~panoptes.pocs.scheduler.observation.Observation): Object
describing the observation
headers (dict or Header, optional): Header data to be saved along with the file.
filename (str, optional): pass a filename for the output FITS file to
override the default file naming system.
blocking (bool): If method should wait for observation event to be complete
before returning, default False.
**kwargs (dict): Optional keyword arguments (`exptime`, dark)
dict: The metadata from the event.
# Set the camera is_observing.
# Set up the observation
metadata = self._setup_observation(observation, headers, filename, **kwargs)
exptime = metadata['exptime']
file_path = metadata['filepath']
image_id = metadata['image_id']
# start the exposure
self.take_exposure(seconds=exptime, filename=file_path, blocking=blocking,
metadata=metadata, dark=observation.dark, **kwargs)
if 'POINTING' in metadata:
observation.pointing_images[image_id] = Path(file_path)
# Add most recent exposure to list
exposure = Exposure(image_id=str(image_id),
observation.add_to_exposure_list(, exposure=exposure)
# Process the exposure once readout is complete
# To be used for marking when exposure is complete (see `process_exposure`)
t = threading.Thread(
if blocking:
while self.is_observing:
self.logger.trace(f'Waiting for observation event')
return metadata
def take_exposure(self,
seconds=1.0 * u.second,
timeout=10 * u.second,
**kwargs) -> threading.Thread:
"""Take an exposure for given number of seconds and saves to provided filename.
seconds (u.second, optional): Length of exposure.
filename (str, optional): Image is saved to this filename.
metadata (dict, optional): Add key/value as FITS header. Does not support nested dicts.
dark (bool, optional): Exposure is a dark frame, default False. On cameras that support
taking dark frames internally (by not opening a mechanical shutter) this will be
done, for other cameras the light must be blocked by some other means. In either
case setting dark to True will cause the `IMAGETYP` FITS header keyword to have
value 'Dark Frame' instead of 'Light Frame'. Set dark to None to disable the
`IMAGETYP` keyword entirely.
blocking (bool, optional): If False (default) returns immediately after starting
the exposure, if True will block until it completes and file exists.
timeout (astropy.Quantity): The timeout to use for the exposure, default 10 seconds. The
timeout gets added to the `seconds` and the `self.readout_time` to get the total
timeout for the exposure. If the exposure takes longer than this then a
`panoptes.utils.error.Timeout` exception will be raised.
threading.Thread: The readout thread, which joins when readout has finished.
error.PanError: If camera is not connected.
error.Timeout: If the exposure takes longer than total `timeout` to complete.
self._exposure_error = None
# Reset the readout
self._readout_complete = False
if not self.is_connected:
err = AssertionError("Camera must be connected for take_exposure!")
self._exposure_error = repr(err)
raise err
if not filename:
err = AssertionError("Must pass filename for take_exposure")
self._exposure_error = repr(err)
raise err
if not self.can_take_internal_darks:
if dark:
# Can't take internal dark, so try using an opaque filter in a filterwheel
self.logger.debug("Taking dark exposure using filter: " +
except (AttributeError, error.NotFound):
# No filterwheel, or no opaque filter (dark_position not set)
self.logger.warning("Taking dark exposure without shutter or opaque filter."
" Is the lens cap on?")
with suppress(AttributeError, error.NotFound):
# Ignoring exceptions from no filterwheel, or no last light position
# Check that the camera (and subcomponents) is ready
if not self.is_ready:
# Work out why the camera isn't ready.
self.logger.warning(f'Cameras not ready: {self.readiness!r}')
raise error.PanError(f"Attempt to start exposure on {self} while not ready.")
if not isinstance(seconds, u.Quantity):
seconds = seconds * u.second
self.logger.debug(f'Taking {seconds=!r} exposure on {}: {filename=!r}')
if self.is_exposing:
err = error.PanError(
f"Attempt to take exposure on {self} while one already in progress.")
self._exposure_error = repr(err)
raise err
header = self._create_fits_header(seconds, dark=dark, metadata=metadata)
# Camera type specific exposure set up and start
readout_args = self._start_exposure(seconds=seconds, filename=filename, dark=dark,
header=header, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as err:
err = error.PanError(f"Error starting exposure on {self}: {err!r}")
self._exposure_error = repr(err)
raise err
def log_thread_error(exc_info):
threading.excepthook = log_thread_error
# The full timeout is the exposure time plus the readout time plus the timeout.
timeout_duration = (get_quantity_value(seconds, u.second) +
get_quantity_value(self.readout_time, u.second) +
get_quantity_value(timeout, u.second))
# Start polling thread that will call camera type specific _readout method when done
readout_thread = threading.Thread(name=f'{}PollExposureThread',
args=(readout_args, seconds),
kwargs=dict(timeout=timeout_duration, interval=self.readout_time))
if blocking:
blocking_timer = CountdownTimer(duration=timeout_duration)
self.logger.debug(f"Blocking on exposure for {self} for {timeout_duration:.02f}s")
while self.is_exposing and not blocking_timer.expired():
self.logger.trace(f'Exposure blocking complete, waiting for file to exist')
while not os.path.exists(filename) and not blocking_timer.expired():
if blocking_timer.expired():
raise error.Timeout(f"Timeout waiting for {filename} to exist.")
self.logger.debug(f"Blocking complete on {self} for filename={filename!r}")
return readout_thread
def process_exposure(self, metadata, **kwargs):
""" Processes the exposure.
This checks if the file exists and if so calls _do_process_exposure.
metadata (dict): Header metadata saved for the image.
FileNotFoundError: If the FITS file isn't at the specified location.
# Wait for exposure to complete. Timeout handled by exposure thread.
while self.is_exposing or self.waiting_for_readout:
self.logger.debug(f'Starting exposure processing with {metadata!r}')
metadata['exptime'] = get_quantity_value(metadata['exptime'], unit='second')
# Make sure image exists.
file_path = metadata['filepath']
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Image {file_path=!r} not found, cannot process.")
except (KeyError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
raise e
# Do the camera specific processing.
self.logger.debug(f'Starting FITS processing for {file_path}')
file_path = self._do_process_exposure(file_path, metadata)
self.logger.debug(f'Finished FITS processing for {file_path}')
# Mark the event as done.
self.logger.debug(f'Camera observing for {self} complete: {self.is_observing=}')
def write_fits(self, data, header, filename):
"""Write the FITS file.
This is a thin-wrapper around the `fits_utils.write_fits` method that marks
the readout as complete.
self.logger.debug(f'Writing {filename=}')
fits_utils.write_fits(data, header, filename)
self.logger.debug(f'Finished writing {filename=}')
self._readout_complete = True
def autofocus(self,
*args, **kwargs):
Focuses the camera using the specified merit function. Optionally performs
a coarse focus to find the approximate position of infinity focus, which
should be followed by a fine focus before observing.
seconds (scalar, optional): Exposure time for focus exposures, if not
specified will use value from config.
focus_range (2-tuple, optional): Coarse & fine focus sweep range, in
encoder units. Specify to override values from config.
focus_step (2-tuple, optional): Coarse & fine focus sweep steps, in
encoder units. Specify to override values from config.
cutout_size (int, optional): Size of square central region of image
to use, default 500 x 500 pixels.
keep_files (bool, optional): If True will keep all images taken
during focusing. If False (default) will delete all except the
first and last images from each focus run.
take_dark (bool, optional): If True will attempt to take a dark frame
before the focus run, and use it for dark subtraction and hot
pixel masking, default True.
merit_function (str/callable, optional): Merit function to use as a
focus metric, default vollath_F4.
merit_function_kwargs (dict or None, optional): Dictionary of additional
keyword arguments for the merit function.
mask_dilations (int, optional): Number of iterations of dilation to perform on the
saturated pixel mask (determine size of masked regions), default 10
coarse (bool, optional): Whether to perform a coarse focus, otherwise will perform
a fine focus. Default False.
make_plots (bool, optional: Whether to write focus plots to images folder, default
behaviour is to check the focuser autofocus_make_plots attribute.
blocking (bool, optional): Whether to block until autofocus complete, default False.
threading.Event: Event that will be set when autofocusing is complete
ValueError: If invalid values are passed for any of the focus parameters.
if not self.has_focuser:
self.logger.error("Camera must have a focuser for autofocus!")
raise AttributeError
return self.focuser.autofocus(seconds=seconds,
*args, **kwargs)
def get_cutout(self, seconds, file_path, cutout_size, keep_file=False, *args, **kwargs):
Takes an image and returns a thumbnail cutout.
Takes an image, grabs the data, deletes the FITS file and
returns a cutout from the centre of the image.
seconds (astropy.units.Quantity): exposure time, Quantity or numeric type in seconds.
file_path (str): path to (temporarily) save the image file to.
cutout_size (int): size of the square region of the centre of the image to return.
keep_file (bool, optional): if True the image file will be deleted, if False it will
be kept.
*args, **kwargs: passed to the `take_exposure` method
kwargs['blocking'] = True
self.take_exposure(seconds, filename=file_path, *args, **kwargs)
if self.exposure_error is not None:
raise error.PanError(self.exposure_error)
image = fits.getdata(file_path)
if not keep_file:
# Make sure cutout is not bigger than image.
actual_size = min(cutout_size, *image.shape)
if actual_size != cutout_size: # noqa
self.logger.warning(f'Requested cutout size is larger than image, using {actual_size}')
return crop_data(image, box_width=cutout_size)
def _set_target_temperature(self, target):
"""Camera-specific function to set the target temperature.
Each sub-class is required to implement this abstract method. The derived
method should at a minimum implement the described parameters.
target (astropy.units.Quantity): The target temperature.
raise NotImplementedError
def _set_cooling_enabled(self, enable):
"""Camera-specific function to set cooling enabled.
Each sub-class is required to implement this abstract method. The derived
method should at a minimum implement the described parameters.
enable (bool): Enable camera cooling?
self._cooling_enabled = enable
def _start_exposure(self, seconds=None, filename=None, dark=False, header=None, *args,
"""Responsible for the camera-specific process that start an exposure.
This method is called from the `take_exposure` method and is used to handle
hardware-specific items for each camera.
Each sub-class is required to implement this abstract method. The derived
method should at a minimum implement the described parameters.
seconds (float): The number of seconds to expose for.
filename (str): Filename location for saved image.
dark (bool): If image is a dark frame.
header (dict or Header): Optional headers to save with the image.
tuple|list: Any arguments required by the camera-specific `_readout`
method, which should be implemented at the same time as this method.
pass # pragma: no cover
def _readout(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Performs the camera-specific readout after exposure.
This method is called from the `_poll_exposure` private method and is responsible
for the camera-specific readout commands. This method is responsible for actually
writing the FITS file.
Each sub-class is required to implement this abstract method. The derived
method should at a minimum implement the described parameters.
pass # pragma: no cover
def _poll_exposure(self, readout_args, exposure_time, timeout=None, interval=0.01):
""" Wait until camera is no longer exposing or the timeout is reached.
If the timeout is reached, an `error.Timeout` is raised.
if timeout is None:
timer_duration = self.timeout + self.readout_time + get_quantity_value(exposure_time,
timer_duration = timeout
self.logger.debug(f"Polling exposure with timeout of {timer_duration} seconds.")
timer = CountdownTimer(duration=timer_duration, name=f'{}PollExposure')
timer.sleep(max_sleep=get_quantity_value(exposure_time, unit='second'))
while self.is_exposing:
if timer.expired():
msg = f"Timeout ({timer.duration=}) waiting for exposure on {self}"
raise error.Timeout(msg)
except Exception as err:
# Error returned by driver at some point while polling
self.logger.error(f'Error while waiting for exposure on {self}: {err!r}')
self._exposure_error = repr(err)
raise err
# Camera type specific readout function.
except Exception as err:
self.logger.error(f"Error during readout on {self}: {err!r}")
self._exposure_error = repr(err)
raise err
# Make sure this gets set regardless of any errors
def _create_fits_header(self, seconds, dark=None, metadata=None) -> fits.Header:
metadata = metadata or dict()
header = fits.Header()
header.set('INSTRUME', self.uid, 'Camera serial number')
now =
header.set('DATE-OBS', now.fits, 'Start of exposure')
header.set('EXPTIME', get_quantity_value(seconds, u.second), 'Seconds')
if dark is not None:
if dark:
header.set('IMAGETYP', 'Dark Frame')
header.set('IMAGETYP', 'Light Frame')
header.set('FILTER', self.filter_type)
with suppress(NotImplementedError): # SBIG & ZWO cameras report their gain.
header.set('EGAIN', get_quantity_value(self.egain, u.electron / u.adu),
with suppress(NotImplementedError):
# ZWO cameras have ADC bit depths with differ from BITPIX
header.set('BITDEPTH', int(get_quantity_value(self.bit_depth, u.bit)), 'ADC bit depth')
with suppress(NotImplementedError):
# Some non cooled cameras can still report the image sensor temperature
header.set('CCD-TEMP', get_quantity_value(self.temperature, u.Celsius), 'Degrees C')
if self.is_cooled_camera:
header.set('SET-TEMP', get_quantity_value(self.target_temperature, u.Celsius),
'Degrees C')
header.set('COOL-POW', get_quantity_value(self.cooling_power, u.percent),
header.set('CAM-ID', self.uid, 'Camera serial number')
header.set('CAM-NAME',, 'Camera name')
header.set('CAM-MOD', self.model, 'Camera model')
for sub_name, subcomponent in self.subcomponents.items():
header = subcomponent._add_fits_keywords(header)
# Add each metadata items to FITS header.
for k, v in metadata.items():
# Add long keyword headers and suppress warning.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
header.set(k, v)
except ValueError as e:
self.logger.warning(f'Problem setting FITS header for {k}={v} with {e=!r}')
return header
def _setup_observation(self, observation: Observation, headers, filename, **kwargs) -> dict:
headers = headers or None
# Move the filterwheel if necessary
if self.has_filterwheel:
if observation.filter_name is not None:
# Move the filterwheel
self.logger.debug(f'Moving {self.filterwheel=} to {observation.filter_name=}')
self.filterwheel.move_to(observation.filter_name, blocking=True)
except Exception as e:
f'Error moving {self} filterwheel to {observation.filter_name}: {e!r}')
raise e
elif not observation.dark:
self.logger.warning(f'Filter {observation.filter_name} requested by'
f' observation but {self.filterwheel} is missing that filter, '
f'using {self.filter_type}.')
if headers is None:
start_time = current_time(flatten=True)
start_time = headers.get('start_time', current_time(flatten=True))
if not observation.seq_time:
self.logger.debug(f'Setting observation {start_time=}')
observation.seq_time = start_time
# Get the filename
image_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(, self.uid, observation.seq_time))
self.logger.debug(f'Setting {image_dir=}')
# Get full file path
if filename is None:
file_path = os.path.join(image_dir, f'{start_time}.{self.file_extension}')
# Add extension
if '.' not in filename:
filename = f'{filename}.{self.file_extension}'
# Add directory
if '/' not in filename:
filename = os.path.join(image_dir, filename)
file_path = filename
self.logger.debug(f'Setting {file_path=}')
unit_id = self.get_config('pan_id')
# Make the IDs.
sequence_id = f'{unit_id}_{self.uid}_{observation.seq_time}'
image_id = f'{unit_id}_{self.uid}_{start_time}'
self.logger.debug(f"{sequence_id=} {image_id=}")
# The exptime header data is set as part of observation but can
# be overridden by passed parameter so update here.
exptime = kwargs.get('exptime', get_quantity_value(observation.exptime, unit=u.second))
# Camera metadata
metadata = {
'camera_uid': self.uid,
'current_exp_num': observation.current_exp_num,
'exptime': exptime,
'field_dec': observation.field.dec.value,
'field_name': observation.field.field_name,
'field_ra': observation.field.ra.value,
'filepath': file_path,
'filter': self.filter_type,
'image_id': image_id,
'is_primary': self.is_primary,
'sequence_id': sequence_id,
'start_time': start_time,
if observation.filter_name is not None:
metadata['filter_request'] = observation.filter_name
if headers is not None:
self.logger.trace(f'Updating {file_path} metadata with provided headers')
self.logger.debug(f'Observation: {exptime=!r} {file_path=!r} {image_id=!r} {metadata=!r}')
return metadata
def _do_process_exposure(self, file_path, metadata):
Add FITS headers from metadata the same as images.cr2_to_fits()
# TODO (wtgee) I don't like this one bit.
fields = {
'image_id': {'keyword': 'IMAGEID'},
'sequence_id': {'keyword': 'SEQID'},
'field_name': {'keyword': 'FIELD'},
'ra_mnt': {'keyword': 'RA-MNT', 'comment': 'Degrees'},
'ha_mnt': {'keyword': 'HA-MNT', 'comment': 'Degrees'},
'dec_mnt': {'keyword': 'DEC-MNT', 'comment': 'Degrees'},
'equinox': {'keyword': 'EQUINOX', 'default': 2000.},
'airmass': {'keyword': 'AIRMASS', 'comment': 'Sec(z)'},
'filter': {'keyword': 'FILTER'},
'latitude': {'keyword': 'LAT-OBS', 'comment': 'Degrees'},
'longitude': {'keyword': 'LONG-OBS', 'comment': 'Degrees'},
'elevation': {'keyword': 'ELEV-OBS', 'comment': 'Meters'},
'moon_separation': {'keyword': 'MOONSEP', 'comment': 'Degrees'},
'moon_fraction': {'keyword': 'MOONFRAC'},
'creator': {'keyword': 'CREATOR', 'comment': 'POCS Software version'},
'camera_uid': {'keyword': 'INSTRUME', 'comment': 'Camera ID'},
'observer': {'keyword': 'OBSERVER', 'comment': 'PANOPTES Unit ID'},
'origin': {'keyword': 'ORIGIN'},
'tracking_rate_ra': {'keyword': 'RA-RATE', 'comment': 'RA Tracking Rate'},
self.logger.debug(f"Updating FITS headers {file_path} with {metadata=!r}")
with, 'update') as f:
hdu = f[0]
for metadata_key, field_info in fields.items():
fits_key = field_info['keyword']
fits_comment = field_info.get('comment', '')
# Get the value from either the metadata, the default, or use blank string.
fits_value = metadata.get(metadata_key, field_info.get('default', ''))
self.logger.trace(f'Setting {fits_key=!r} = {fits_value=!r} {fits_comment=!r}')
hdu.header.set(fits_key, fits_value, fits_comment)
self.logger.debug(f"Finished FITS headers: {file_path}")
return file_path
def _create_subcomponent(self, class_path, subcomponent):
Creates a subcomponent as an attribute of the camera. Can do this from either an instance
of the appropriate subcomponent class, or from a dictionary of keyword arguments for the
subcomponent class' constructor.
subcomponent (instance of sub_name | dict): the subcomponent object, or the keyword
arguments required to create it.
class_path (str): Full namespace of the subcomponent, e.g.
object: an instance of the subcomponent object.
panoptes.utils.error.NotFound: Not found error.
# Load the module for the subcomponent.
sub_parts = class_path.split('.')
base_class_name = sub_parts.pop()
base_module_name = '.'.join(sub_parts)
self.logger.debug(f'Loading base_module_name={base_module_name!r}')
base_module = load_module(base_module_name)
except error.NotFound as err:
self.logger.critical(f"Couldn't import base_module_name={base_module_name!r}")
raise err
# Get the base class from the loaded module.
self.logger.debug(f'Trying to get base_class_name={base_class_name!r} from {base_module}')
base_class = getattr(base_module, base_class_name)
# If we get an instance, just use it.
if isinstance(subcomponent, base_class):
f"subcomponent={subcomponent!r} is already a base_class={base_class!r} instance")
# If we get a dict, use them as params to create instance.
elif isinstance(subcomponent, dict):
model = subcomponent['model']
f"subcomponent={subcomponent!r} is a dict but has model={model!r} keyword, "
f"trying to create a base_class={base_class!r} instance")
base_class = load_module(model)
except (KeyError, error.NotFound) as e:
raise error.NotFound(f"Can't create a {class_path=!r} from {subcomponent=!r} {e!r}")
self.logger.debug(f'Creating the base_class_name={base_class_name!r} object from dict')
# Copy dict creation items and add the camera.
subcomponent_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(subcomponent)
subcomponent_kwargs.update({'camera': self})
subcomponent = base_class(**subcomponent_kwargs)
except TypeError:
raise error.NotFound(f'base_class={base_class!r} is not a callable class. '
f'Please specify full path to class (not module).')
self.logger.success(f'{subcomponent} created for {base_class_name}')
# Should have been passed either an instance of base_class or dict with subcomponent
# configuration. Got something else...
raise error.NotFound(
f"Expected either a {base_class_name} instance or dict, got {subcomponent!r}")
# Give the subcomponent a reference back to the camera.
setattr(subcomponent, 'camera', self)
return subcomponent
def __str__(self):
s = f'{}'
if self.is_primary:
s += ' [Primary]'
s += f" ({self.uid})"
if self.port:
s += f" port={self.port}"
sub_names = '& '.join(list(self.subcomponents.keys()))
if sub_names != '':
s += f" with {sub_names}"
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to stringify camera: e={e!r}')
s = str(self.__class__)
return s